Bite Size Magick Returns

Aleks Ceho Life

You are what you think! If this is so ….. what are you thoughts like? Are you aware when your thoughts are taking you into a negative state, or negative self talk, do they repeat themselves so often you begin to believe them even if they aren’t true ? Most people don’t consider their inner dialogue (thoughts) as important but if …

Bite Size Magick

Aleks Ceho Life

In the Mystery School lineage we encourage everyone to go to healers academy if they can/are ready, for this exact reason. Not because it’s another course to do, not pyramid sales as some people like to suggest, or to open a healing business. Its because we need to SERVE! It’s the only way we can truly learn about ourselves.

A Glass Case of Emotion

Aleks Ceho Life

“Ron, where are you?” “I’m in a glass case of emotion!” When we experience strong emotion it can overtake us and become the dominant force in our decision-making…

8 Steps to Reclaim your Power and Create the Life of your Dreams

Aleks Ceho Life

Have you ever looked around at the life you’re living and wonder how on earth you got there?  When you look around you realize that this is not at all what you thought you were signing up for and looking in the mirror is like looking into the eyes of a stranger…

5 Steps for Slowing Down in a Fast Paced World

Aleks Ceho Life

We are bombarded by stimulus in this technology age. On average, Americans check their phones 80 times per day.We also live in a connected world, where we are accustomed to always being available. In this fast paced environment, it takes strategic planning to carve out time and space to slow down and re-balance. To tune in to your inner rhythm, so …

The Power of Pets to Heal

Aleks Ceho Life

The bond between humans and our animal companions goes back thousands of years. We have a special connection with these beings, and when we invite them into our lives, they often show a sense of purpose to work with us and support us.

Journal of a Major Life Shift: Part II – The Edge of Fear

Aleks Ceho Life

So, here you are, aware that you want something more out of life. Craving adventure, purpose, passion. Wanting that reason to not only drag yourself out of bed in the morning, but to jump out, eager for the day and its experiences. Asking yourself maybe, “Why aren’t all people at this place?”

A Season of Heroes: A Winter Solstice Reflection

Aleks Ceho Life

Humans have been celebrating the time of winter solstice for thousands of years. While the expression of these celebrations and activities change over time, there is an enduring essence. Amid this time of darkness, we turn toward our inner light to shine the way. I experience this season deeply within the heart. It is the spirit that lives on within the story …

Journal of a Major Life Shift

Aleks Ceho Life

I’m not going to reiterate my past story in all it’s details – I’ve done that, its out there, grab it from one of my other posts if you’re interested. Suffice it to say, I got to the point (and a lot of you may have been there at one point or another) of asking myself “What am I doing …

Struggles During the Holiday Season

Aleks Ceho Life

This is a magical time of year, filled with so many holidays to celebrate with friends, family, and loved ones.  This often includes many gatherings and parties of celebration. You hear the songs on the radio about how it is “the most wonderful time of the year”.  It is the time of the year for reflection, joy, and hope. But …