Massive new outreach project begins at Modern Mystery School International Headquarters

Christina Mars Community Outreach

FEBRUARY 28, 2016 ~ As many of you have already seen The Modern Mystery School International under the guidance of our Founder Gudni Gudnason, has a long history of supporting people and causes around the world. From spending over the last 12 years working with those in need in the Philippines by providing medical and dental assistance, food, clothing, learning aids, toys, etc for entire villages to helping out after the 2010 earthquake hit Haiti or assisting after the 2011 earthquake in Japan, something that we are still doing to this day in the Fukushima area of Japan under Gudni’s direction and oversight. We have for many years supported families in Mexico by providing food, clean water, cooking aids, clothing and yes even toys for kids who have little to none. As well as all the above we have many other support projects happening “closer” to our home office in Toronto, Canada. We support a number of different shelters for abused women and children and the list goes on from there.

In October of 2015,  our World Headquarters begun another project by supporting The Women’s Habitat Outreach Centre, this shelter and outreach centre empowers women and their children in their right to live free from violence in their personal relationships. They provide a safe refuge, counselling, support, legal assistance and advocacy for hundreds of women and their children every year, who are at risk of or fleeing violence as well as to enable women and girls to achieve their personal goals and have a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. This organization was founded in the late 1970’s and since then has developed a solid foundation in providing the basics for women and children fleeing domestic abuse.

These women and their children have been through so much in their lives, it’s part of our mission to show them a greater view of themselves and their importance to the world,  that people care about them and that their potential is so much greater than what they’ve experienced so far.

As you know for children in North America Halloween is a very important time of the year. For these families served by the Women’s Habitat these types of holidays just don’t fall under their umbrella of assistance. This is where the Modern Mystery School stepped in to provide what these mothers aren’t able to provide at this time so, that their children are able to participate and enjoy this holiday.

Since then our efforts have continued, what you may not know is that as part of the recovery process from domestic violence, many forms of therapy are offered to these women and children. As you can imagine this process can be quite lengthy and emotional once the healing process begins. After learning more about what this amazing center offers the Modern Mystery School chose to support their art therapy program which was in jeopardy of being shut down. In doing so we provided all the necessary supplies for this therapy program ensuring that it was able to continue for quite some time.

As it becomes necessary for these women to flee the violence in their lives, in most cases they are also leaving the only source of income available to them. This is a large part of the control of their abusers is to withhold money as a way of ensuring their dependence. In choosing a better life for themselves and their children these women are also losing their ability to provide for their daily needs. Knowing this, the Modern Mystery School also provided personal care items for the Mom’s as well as gift cards for them to use to cover any extras they may need during the holiday season. As we’ve continued this process one of our local (Toronto) initiates heard the call and re-directed their company/staff Christmas donations to the Habitat Centre as well.

Positive experiences in life are extremely important for children as their foundation and core values are developing, unfortunately experiences such as these are the first to be removed when there is constant struggle and hardship in their lives. With the work that the Modern Mystery School is doing we’re bringing these positive childhood experiences back, helping to strengthen these foundations – and bringing hope to the Mothers as they’re able to watch joy being returned to their children’s lives.

Given the importance of the work of the Women’s Habitat Outreach Centre the Modern Mystery School has made a long term commitment to support and help them. What most people don’t know is that it’s the time after the holidays that are the most difficult for these support centres to function. Most people are focused on helping during the holiday season, but it is really after and between holiday times that these families and centers are in their greatest need. Knowing this the Modern Mystery School gathered donations and invested money to ensure that everyone has access to food all year around without fear of running out.

February is best known for Valentine’s Day. For those people in relationships this is often a time for an expression of love. You can imagine that for a women fleeing from violence and abuse that times like these can be hard for so many reasons. As initiates we know that love is an essential force that we need to experience as much as possible in our lives. The more love we receive and give the more LIGHT in the lives of all those touched. Realizing this the Modern Mystery School saw this time of year as an opportunity to remind all those in need that they are indeed thought of and cared about.

Through our continued efforts to support and flow the LIGHT, a total contribution of $116,000 worth of support, including luxury personal care items, enabling us to deliver Valentine gift bags for all of the women served through the Women’s Habitat. This was done through the hard work and diligence of not only our World Headquarters staff but also by one of our local Ritual Masters who decided to get involve and through his hard work brought in these much needed goods for all those woman in the shelter.

In supporting this cause we were thrilled to be able to offer this amazing experience, allowing these women to treat themselves and to work on getting back in touch with their divine Goddess. In the lineage of King Salomon we know how important it is to experience our God/Goddess, to bring healing and make room for self-empowerment and begin the process of expressing this in our daily lives. These women and their children have been through so much in their lives, it’s part of our mission to show them a greater view of themselves and their importance to the world,  that people care about them and that their potential is so much greater than what they’ve experienced so far.

These efforts have also been such a great experience for us all! Being able to once again use our teachings and tools through our lineage to express love and caring for others is such a high form of service. In doing this we’re able to physically express to these women and children that no matter what they’ve been through, they are important, they matter and there are many people who care about them and their well-being and that the lineage of King Salomon via The Modern Mystery School is there to help.

In the Lineage of King Salomon we believe life is meant to be lived and experienced richly and abundantly. Life’s just not about surviving but instead, it is about thriving and The Modern Mystery School will continue to do anything and everything to make life better around the world for those we touch.

Some of you may be thinking about how vitality important it is to reach out to these people so they can receive Life Activations, healings and initiation. Of course we 100% agree and we have started the process of training and getting vetted to allow us to go in and work with these women and their children on a one to one basis. Although we know that this will be a long process we are dedicated to bringing the Lineage of King Salomon to these women and children to help with their process of healing, self-discovery and self-empowerment.

We leave you with one thing ~ The Modern Mystery School is not a charity or even a not for profit organization. We are the administrators of the King Salomon Lineage. It should be known that EVERY dollar raised and every item collected goes directly to the people that we are supporting. Not even one penny is re-directed for any reason. Any expenses occurred whether it be for transportation of items, staff hours, sundries, etc. is completely covered by The Modern Mystery School and those that choose to volunteer and assist in this work. We do not collect receipts, do tax write offs or any such thing. What we do, do is directly help those in need without delay, red tape or in most cases, fanfare.

As always, more projects are in the works to continue this support and service in the world. Watch for more updates. Anyone interested in helping here at HQ or anywhere in the world in any aspect or with any one of The Modern Mystery Schools projects, please contact Kathleen Petersen at