Know Thyself
An ancient decree with a modern purpose
The Mystery Schools of the ages is for one to obtain the fullness of that famous Hermetic maxim, to Know Thyself.
A key to knowing yourself is to know your true purpose in life. To know your life’s purpose and live in alignment with it will create an experience of unprecedented joy and a new level of fulfillment in your life.
To know yourself is to know others, to know the universe and to know God — by whichever name you choose to use.
Knowing yourself allows you the capacity to find inner peace, which leads us to the mission of the Modern Mystery School.
Activations are a proven method for personal growth and spiritual expansion
These techniques come from our ancient lineage, traceable back to King Salomon (Solomon) the Wise and they are designed to elevate your consciousness, increase energy, create clarity and direction in life.
Activations, such as the Modern Mystery School’s Life Activation or Full Spirit Activation are generally one-on-one personal sessions by Certified Professional Practitioners, though some, such as the Galactic Activation is a part of a workshop series.
Activate & Expand

Initiate & Begin
A Path of Initiation
There is no beginning without initiation, and there is no initiation that does not involve a new beginning — for to ‘initiate’ means to begin a process! To start something. To commence a journey. To launch upward. To leap forward.
Initiations are a part of every spiritual and religious tradition, whether esoteric or in plain sight. They mark the threshold of change and set forces in motion for your own personal transformation.
The Mystery School tradition and lineage is a path of initiation.
All of your own experiences of your own life’s journey up to this point are only enhanced with the knowledge, keys and energy received at a true initiation, such as that which can be found at the Modern Mystery School.
You are called to help others
You know you are meant for a great purpose.
You desire your own freedom so that you can heal others.
As you grow and heal from receiving your own activations and initiations, you will naturally feel called to share your Light with others.
At the Modern Mystery School, we take energy healing seriously. It is a spiritual art and science. We have several different options for training programs with intensive study and certifications.
Healers Academy 1 is a five-day instruction and the second initiation along the path. This program enables you to perform the Life Activation, Aura Healing and Max Meditation System™ for clients.
Healers Academy 2 is an extend six-days and takes your practice to the next level with 10 more healing sessions.
Etheric Reconstruction, King Salomon Healing Modality, Sacred Geometry Healings and much more advanced and expert-level training is available for those serious about Lightwork.
HEAL & Inspire

Teach & LEAD

The perpetuation of the mysteries includes an oral tradition
The teachings are delivered in spoken form, from teacher to student. One day, the student amasses enough Light, knowledge, empowerment and willingness, that they, too, want to impart this wisdom on those who seek it. Thus, the student becomes the teacher and the praxis continues and knowledge is preserved. The sacred knowledge continues its journey from the mouth of the teacher to the ears of the students.
A Certified Teacher has already walked several steps along the path, taken many classes and is an actively serving and certified Life Activation Practitioner. Having received both activations and initiations, they are dedicated to their own growth and learning.
One may consider a request to be initiated as a Guide. As a MMS-trained and certified Guide, holds open the gateway to unparalleled teachings and the ability to initiate others into the lineage of King Salomon.
There are two levels of Teachers Academy, plus apprenticeships to become a Special Teacher and International Instructors of advanced programs.
To become a warrior in life is not for the faint of heart
It is not easy and nor is it meant to be. For thousands of years, the mystery schools have trained the greatest warriors and leaders on the planet. To conquer the challenges of the outside world, you must conquer an even more challenging opponent that resides within you – your ego.
The Ritual Master path is the way of the spiritual warrior. The spiritual warrior fights evil in the world by confronting the evil within.
Humanity is craving true Light, thirsting for leaders who can discern when the correction action is needed, to stand up and say NO to evil, to the lack of good and God that plagues the world today.


Learn & GROW
The well of the ancient mysteries runs deep
Vast are the halls of Hermetic and Esoteric knowledge.
Whether it is sacred geometry, alchemy, astrology, kabbalah, metaphysics or all degrees of magick, the Modern Mystery School has an abundance of specialty classes taught by masters and experts on the subjects.
The path of initiation empowers your capacity for Light, and allows you access to these areas of study, and more, to enhance your journey to Know Thyself, and expand your purpose in service to others.

An ancient decree with a modern purpose
The Mystery Schools of the ages is for one to obtain the fullness of that famous Hermetic maxim, to Know Thyself.
A key to knowing yourself is to know your true purpose in life. To know your life’s purpose and live in alignment with it will create an experience of unprecedented joy and a new level of fulfillment in your life.
To know yourself is to know others, to know the universe and to know God — by whichever name you choose to use.
Knowing yourself allows you the capacity to find inner peace, which leads us to the mission of the Modern Mystery School.

Activations are a proven method for personal growth and spiritual expansion
These techniques come from our ancient lineage, traceable back to King Salomon (Solomon) the Wise and they are designed to elevate your consciousness, increase energy, create clarity and direction in life.
Activations, such as the Modern Mystery School’s Life Activation or Full Spirit Activation are generally one-on-one personal sessions by Certified Professional Practitioners, though some, such as the Galactic Activation is a part of a workshop series.
Initiate & Begin

A Path of Initiation
There is no beginning without initiation, and there is no initiation that does not involve a new beginning — for to ‘initiate’ means to begin a process! To start something. To commence a journey. To launch upward. To leap forward.
Initiations are a part of every spiritual and religious tradition, whether esoteric or in plain sight. They mark the threshold of change and set forces in motion for your own personal transformation.
The Mystery School tradition and lineage is a path of initiation.
All of your own experiences of your own life’s journey up to this point are only enhanced with the knowledge, keys and energy received at a true initiation, such as that which can be found at the Modern Mystery School.

You are called to help others
You know you are meant for a great purpose.
You desire your own freedom so that you can heal others.
As you grow and heal from receiving your own activations and initiations, you will naturally feel called to share your Light with others.
At the Modern Mystery School, we take energy healing seriously. It is a spiritual art and science. We have several different options for training programs with intensive study and certifications.
Healers Academy 1 is a five-day instruction and the second initiation along the path. This program enables you to perform the Life Activation, Aura Healing and Max Meditation System™ for clients.
Healers Academy 2 is an extend six-days and takes your practice to the next level with 10 more healing sessions.
Etheric Reconstruction, King Salomon Healing Modality, Sacred Geometry Healings and much more advanced and expert-level training is available for those serious about Lightwork.

The perpetuation of the mysteries includes an oral tradition
The teachings are delivered in spoken form, from teacher to student. One day, the student amasses enough Light, knowledge, empowerment and willingness, that they, too, want to impart this wisdom on those who seek it. Thus, the student becomes the teacher and the praxis continues and knowledge is preserved. The sacred knowledge continues its journey from the mouth of the teacher to the ears of the students.
A Certified Teacher has already walked several steps along the path, taken many classes and is an actively serving and certified Life Activation Practitioner. Having received both activations and initiations, they are dedicated to their own growth and learning.
One may consider a request to be initiated as a Guide. As a MMS-trained and certified Guide, holds open the gateway to unparalleled teachings and the ability to initiate others into the lineage of King Salomon.
There are two levels of Teachers Academy, plus apprenticeships to become a Special Teacher and International Instructors of advanced programs.

To become a warrior in life is not for the faint of heart
It is not easy and nor is it meant to be. For thousands of years, the mystery schools have trained the greatest warriors and leaders on the planet. To conquer the challenges of the outside world, you must conquer an even more challenging opponent that resides within you – your ego.
The Ritual Master path is the way of the spiritual warrior. The spiritual warrior fights evil in the world by confronting the evil within.
Humanity is craving true Light, thirsting for leaders who can discern when the correction action is needed, to stand up and say NO to evil, to the lack of good and God that plagues the world today.

The well of the ancient mysteries runs deep
Vast are the halls of Hermetic and Esoteric knowledge.
Whether it is sacred geometry, alchemy, astrology, kabbalah, metaphysics or all degrees of magick, the Modern Mystery School has an abundance of specialty classes taught by masters and experts on the subjects.
The path of initiation empowers your capacity for Light, and allows you access to these areas of study, and more, to enhance your journey to Know Thyself, and expand your purpose in service to others.

An ancient decree with a modern purpose
The Mystery Schools of the ages is for one to obtain the fullness of that famous Hermetic maxim, to Know Thyself.
A key to knowing yourself is to know your true purpose in life. To know your life’s purpose and live in alignment with it will create an experience of unprecedented joy and a new level of fulfillment in your life.
To know yourself is to know others, to know the universe and to know God — by whichever name you choose to use.
Knowing yourself allows you the capacity to find inner peace, which leads us to the mission of the Modern Mystery School.

Activations are a proven method for personal growth and spiritual expansion
These techniques come from our ancient lineage, traceable back to King Salomon (Solomon) the Wise and they are designed to elevate your consciousness, increase energy, create clarity and direction in life.
Activations, such as the Modern Mystery School’s Life Activation or Full Spirit Activation are generally one-on-one personal sessions by Certified Professional Practitioners, though some, such as the Galactic Activation is a part of a workshop series.
Initiate & Begin

A Path of Initiation
There is no beginning without initiation, and there is no initiation that does not involve a new beginning — for to ‘initiate’ means to begin a process! To start something. To commence a journey. To launch upward. To leap forward.
Initiations are a part of every spiritual and religious tradition, whether esoteric or in plain sight. They mark the threshold of change and set forces in motion for your own personal transformation.
The Mystery School tradition and lineage is a path of initiation.
All of your own experiences of your own life’s journey up to this point are only enhanced with the knowledge, keys and energy received at a true initiation, such as that which can be found at the Modern Mystery School.

You are called to help others
You know you are meant for a great purpose.
You desire your own freedom so that you can heal others.
As you grow and heal from receiving your own activations and initiations, you will naturally feel called to share your Light with others.
At the Modern Mystery School, we take energy healing seriously. It is a spiritual art and science. We have several different options for training programs with intensive study and certifications.
Healers Academy 1 is a five-day instruction and the second initiation along the path. This program enables you to perform the Life Activation, Aura Healing and Max Meditation System™ for clients.
Healers Academy 2 is an extend six-days and takes your practice to the next level with 10 more healing sessions.
Etheric Reconstruction, King Salomon Healing Modality, Sacred Geometry Healings and much more advanced and expert-level training is available for those serious about Lightwork.

The perpetuation of the mysteries includes an oral tradition
The teachings are delivered in spoken form, from teacher to student. One day, the student amasses enough Light, knowledge, empowerment and willingness, that they, too, want to impart this wisdom on those who seek it. Thus, the student becomes the teacher and the praxis continues and knowledge is preserved. The sacred knowledge continues its journey from the mouth of the teacher to the ears of the students.
A Certified Teacher has already walked several steps along the path, taken many classes and is an actively serving and certified Life Activation Practitioner. Having received both activations and initiations, they are dedicated to their own growth and learning.
One may consider a request to be initiated as a Guide. As a MMS-trained and certified Guide, holds open the gateway to unparalleled teachings and the ability to initiate others into the lineage of King Salomon.
There are two levels of Teachers Academy, plus apprenticeships to become a Special Teacher and International Instructors of advanced programs.

To become a warrior in life is not for the faint of heart
It is not easy and nor is it meant to be. For thousands of years, the mystery schools have trained the greatest warriors and leaders on the planet. To conquer the challenges of the outside world, you must conquer an even more challenging opponent that resides within you – your ego.
The Ritual Master path is the way of the spiritual warrior. The spiritual warrior fights evil in the world by confronting the evil within.
Humanity is craving true Light, thirsting for leaders who can discern when the correction action is needed, to stand up and say NO to evil, to the lack of good and God that plagues the world today.

The well of the ancient mysteries runs deep
Vast are the halls of Hermetic and Esoteric knowledge.
Whether it is sacred geometry, alchemy, astrology, kabbalah, metaphysics or all degrees of magick, the Modern Mystery School has an abundance of specialty classes taught by masters and experts on the subjects.
The path of initiation empowers your capacity for Light, and allows you access to these areas of study, and more, to enhance your journey to Know Thyself, and expand your purpose in service to others.
Contact Us
Modern Mystery School 41 International Blvd Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3
1-877-275-1383 (Toll free)
Find a Certified Practitioner or Teacher
Certified Professional Guide
Certified Professional Life Activation Practitioner
Certified Professional Healer
Certified Professional Teacher
Certified to teach Max Meditation™
Certified to teach Sacred Geometry 1
Certified to teach Astral Travel
Certified to teach Journeys of the Spirit
Certified to teach Kabbalah
Full list of all certified professional practitioners, healers and teachers