Teaching is the elevation of knowledge, the world and the self.
We have to heal and undo old patterns in the mind before we can learn and incorportate new concepts. Through practical experience as a healer, you become an expert in these fields and can then share knowledge. This is an essential step in the Modern Mystery School process of training its teachers.
In a world geared towards inflammation of the ego and the illusion of instant gratification, ancient Hermetic teachings help you rise above the lower vibrations that cause you suffering, or leave you feeling “trapped.”
The Modern Mystery School holds Hermetic keys of wisdom on how to live a fulfilling, empowered and joyful life, and it is our purpose to share that knowledge with you, as well train the leaders who feel called to share that with others.
If you feel that calling, here’s how an initiate starts on the path of sharing knowledge as a Teacher or Guide with the Modern Mystery School lineage.

For those who have completed Healers Academy 1
After one completes Healers Academy, you have the opportunity to share your Light through the dissemination of wisdom as a Certified MMS Teacher. Teachers Academy is for Certified Life Activation Practitioners who are called to empower others through sacred knowledge and tools.
Teachers Academy 1 certifies you to teach classes that are available to the public. These tools can empower any and everyone!
Upon attending Teachers Academy, you will have the authority to teach:
- Sacred Geometry 1 (4-hour workshop)
- Astral Travel 1 (4-hour workshop)
- Spiritual Intuition (2-hour workshop)
- Stress Rescue (4-hour workshop)
- 7 Mystery Schools (2-hour workshop)
- Awaken Thyself (2-hour workshop)
- Sanctuary Meditation (2-hour workshop)
Visit our Calendar to find the next scheduled Teachers Academy. Teachers Academy 1 is offered in Toronto, Canada.
For Certified Guides who have completed Teachers Academy 1
Building upon the skills and knowledge acquired in Teachers Academy 1, you will receive further training and guidance that you need to assist others on the path to divine knowledge.
With greater experience, understanding and knowledge, you will be able to teach students the following classes to students further along the path of progression and support them on their journey to becoming a Life Activation Practitioner and Healer:

- 12 Magickal Beings of the World of Humans
(3-hour workshop) - Journeys of the Spirit
(full-day workshop) - Advanced Astral Travel
(4-hour workshop) - Sacred Geometry 2
(full-day workshop) - Spiritual Intuition Part 2
(4-hour workshop) - Introduction to the Path of the Initiate
(2-hour workshop) - Introduction to the Life Activation
(2-hour workshop) - Introduction to Healers Academy
(2-hour workshop)
Visit our Calendar to find the next scheduled Teachers Academy 2. Teachers Academy 2 is offered in Toronto, Canada.

Certified Healers are eligible to apply for the Guide initiation.
The Guide initiation is the highest initiation in the Modern Mystery School lineage and tradition. It is the final initiation along the path of the Healer and perhaps the most difficult because its immense responsibility. The Guide must have the courage to act and live the principle of Service for the whole of their life.
The Guide initiation is a high honour that is not to be taken lightly, as the Guide is given the authority and power to initiate Adepts through the Empower Thyself program.
The Modern Mystery School empowers Guides to conduct their lives to the highest standards. We encourage Guides to live in alignment and in integrity with the path, leading a good example for those seeking truth and enlightenment through the path of initiation. Guides are here to provide guidance on the path of initiation for Adepts, while still being mindful and respecting the agency of free will as part of the life experience. While a Guide can point the way, it is always up to the individual to ultimate decide what path to take.
Guides are continually called to do their own self-work to expand and better themselves, including continued training with the MMS and annual Certification to stay in integrity with the teachings and lineage of King Salomon.
To become a Guide you must first become a Certified Healer with the MMS. You must be active as a Certified Life Activation Practitioner performing the service on others and attend annual re-certifications, as well as meet the requirements of your Ritual Master level. As a Certified Life Activation Practitioner, you can look at the Guide Application in your student profile in the database to learn more about what’s required.
There is an application process, and it is rare to be approved upon your first request. Diligence in your service increases your readiness to serve in this capacity.
Teachers and Guides in the Modern Mystery School tradition are required to commit to a non-disclosure and non-compete document that ensures that the teachings and tools of the lineage are kept sacred and handed down with the utmost integrity and professionalism. Please visit our Ethics, Standards and Practices page to learn more and view some of these documents.

For those experienced Guides who choose to specialize their expertise and commit to higher spiritual education, deep study and the service to others on an international level.
These instructors teach classes locally, or may travel to teach classes to various MMS Centres or areas where a Guide may host them. They will also teach during an international program where
classes such Healers Academy, Teachers Academy, etc., will be scheduled. They are a representative of MMS as a whole and work accordingly to uphold the quality and integrity of the teachings provided. International Instructors and Specialty Teachers are held to the highest standard in this role.
Some of the areas of mastery that these instructors teach in are not necessarily core aspects of the path of initiation, but provide additional tools, philosophies, and pathways of development. These subjects include, but are not limited to:
- Alchemy
- Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah
- Sacred Geometries
- Wicca
- Astrology
- Tarot
- Elemental Magicks
Contact Us
Modern Mystery School 41 International Blvd Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3
1-877-275-1383 (Toll free)
Find a Certified Practitioner or Teacher
Certified Professional Guide
Certified Professional Life Activation Practitioner
Certified Professional Healer
Certified Professional Teacher
Certified to teach Max Meditation™
Certified to teach Sacred Geometry 1
Certified to teach Astral Travel
Certified to teach Journeys of the Spirit
Certified to teach Kabbalah
Full list of all certified professional practitioners, healers and teachers