Sacred Geometry SEries
Sacred Geometry is the language of the universe and the divine pattern through which the building blocks of creation come into manifestation. In the Mystery School tradition, working with these symbols, you unlock access to states of heightened consciousness and expanded spiritual awareness.
The Modern Mystery School has a powerful set of classes in the divine designs of the Universe. The Sacred Geometry Series is a progressive training system that personally empowers you, while providing tools to support yourself and serve others in the Light with profound healing and activation modalities.
Through these teachings, you learn that you have the power to bridge the spiritual and the physical by activating your home and workspaces as your holy sanctuaries. By employing and activating these temples, you will strengthen virtually every aspect of your life. You learn how applying this ancient wisdom and holy arrangement of symbols to a person, can heal an individual’s energy field while expanding the mind to new realities of Light to live a life of joy.
Read on below for descriptions, pre-requisites and more information about the Modern Mystery School’s Sacred Geometry Series:

All things in the physical world manifest through Sacred Geometry. Sacred patterns and symbols are found in all matter and form the basis of the blocks of creation. Sacred Geometry is an art, a science and a metaphysical series of teachings that help to elevate consciousness and master the process of creation.
The Greeks and Egyptians were the most famous students of the Sacred Geometry principles. From the Pyramids of Giza to the mathematical schools of Pythagoras, Sacred Geometry helped the adept to acquire wisdom, connect with spirit and transform the energy of the physical world around them.
In this introductory workshop, you will be introduced to the philosophical foundation of Sacred Geometry including:
- The 3 Keys to Heaven – the energy and theory of the 3 basic geometries
- The connection of Sacred Geometry to the elements of Manifestation
- Receive an energetic attunement of the 3 Keys to Heaven
- Learn to protect your home, office and other spaces from outside negative energies
- Create a holy temple space for meditation, healing and holy work
This 3-hour workshop will give you a taste of the philosophy, energetic and practical components of the teachings Sacred Geometry offers leading into more advanced practices like healing in later teachings!

Moving beyond the philosophical, Sacred Geometry II grounds the teachings into a more tangible realm – the world of crystals! This is the class for everyone who wants to move beyond simply carrying crystals in your pocket!
Crystals and crystal magick involve a great number of techniques! If you’re ready to take your connection to crystals to the next level, join this full-day workshop for:
- Learn crystal healing techniques for physical, emotional and mental ailments
- Start a practice of dreaming techniques for greater clarity
- Gain reading methods to help clients explore questions
- Receive 4 crystal gridding systems for protecting spaces and heightening vibration
- Clarity on proper care for the crystals in your life
- And More
Whether you are looking to begin working with crystals for yourself or if you’re hoping to begin serving others with these tools, Sacred Geometry II offers simple techniques to help you gain expertise in working with these amazing tools!
Pre-requisite: Sacred Geometry I

Ready to advance your healing skills? Sacred Geometry III moves into working with the human aura. Composed of 7 layers, the aura provides us with the energy needed for vitality and manifestation.
In this class, you will learn the Egyptian Aura Healing, an ancient Egyptian healing method for:
- Fixing holes in the aura that cause fatigue and poor health
- increasing energy in the aura for greater vitality and protection
- Rebalancing the physical, emotional soul and astral bodies
- A lasting healing technique that can be done for self-care or for healing others
Pre-requisite: Empower Thyself Class and Initiation, Sacred Geometry I & II

After advancing your healing practice in Sacred Geometry II & III, this class hands down 3 new methods of protecting and sealing space. Differing from the Holy Temple handed down in Sacred Geometry I, these methods are meant to create living temples, holy space that keeps vibrations high in your home.
These holy temples will help you:
- amp up vibration in your home for greater love and peace
- create a strong protected safe haven to return to everyday
- set up temple space for higher service such as teaching classes
- develop higher vibrational spaces for yourself and others
- True empowerment and access to higher vibrations of Light
- Increased positivity and vibrancy in your life!
This class is reserved for Modern Mystery School Initiates and reveals the secrets key to alchemizing and transforming space for greater light.
Pre-requisite: Certified Life Activation Practitioner, Sacred Geometry I – III

In this program you are handed down a powerful healing modality that re-calibrates the whole magnetic structure of a person, while activating the Fire Souls – Spirit in the body. This is what is referred to in the Vedas as the first step of the Kundalini Awakening. Receiving this infusion is another huge step in the activation of awareness of our true divine nature.
Also reserved for higher initiates, Sacred Geometry V hands down the Fire Soul Infusion – a modality that helps open the inner gates of the soul. Opening these gates increases perception and awareness and brings greater connection to purpose and passion.
Performing the Fire Soul Infusion empowers your clients to:
- re-calibrate and heal the entire magnetic structure
- remember who you are and what you’re here to do
- enhance Inter-dimensional connection and access to other realms
- stimulate greater clarity in the mind
- re-establish balance in the physical body
Pre-requisite: Certified Life Activation Practitioner, Sacred Geometry I – IV, receive the Fire Soul Infusion within 6 months prior to attending the class

Step up your ability to serve others and learn the Core Will Infusion! In Sacred Geometry VI, you will receive the handing down to perform this modality, which empowers your clients by:
- Cleaning and clearing the etheric structure for greater energetic health
- Creating a stronger connection to the Will of God and goodness in life
- Deepening your understanding of the Will of Nature and the Universe and the Will of Humans
- Enhancing the clarity of your life and its purpose
- Restoring peace by reconnecting to the spiritual self and increasing reverence for life
Pre-requisite: Certified Life Activation Practitioner, Sacred Geometry I – V, receive the Core Will Infusion within 6 months prior to attending the class

In this class you are handed down the Activation of the Archangel Michael Inner Stellar Light Tube. This modality activates the Buddhic Body, which is deeply connected to the 7 chakras. By opening up the chakras fully, enlightenment can be attained for a brief moment, and that second of clarity will last you a lifetime. Having this activation you are now ready to move into Archangel Michael’s Interstellar Light Tube. This interstellar experience allows you to provide your clients healing through:
- activating the Buddhic Body, opening the chakra system
- Triggering enlightenment which restores wisdom and clarity for a lifetime
- Accessing the creational energies of the Master Archtitect – Archangel Michael, to re-create yourself in your highest form
- liberates you from heavy, negative energies and attachments that create depression and apathy
- clears up old emotional energy, restoring vitality, passion and joy
Pre-requisite: Certified Life Activation Practitioner and Ritual Master Novice (1.0), Sacred Geometry I – VI, receive the Archangel Michael’s Interstellar Tube Modality within 6 months prior to attending the class
Contact Us
Modern Mystery School 41 International Blvd Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3
1-877-275-1383 (Toll free)
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Certified to teach Max Meditation™
Certified to teach Sacred Geometry 1
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