Divina Dr. Ann Donnelly MD

Dr Ann originally worked as a GP in the north west of Ireland for over 20 years. Her medical practice is now based in palliative medicine in both hospital and hospice settings.
She also has a private practice which embodies her love of complimentary therapies. It was while working as a GP Ann took a keen interest in ways of creating ‘whole person’ health, including mind, body, emotional & spiritual well being. She undertook training to become a yoga teacher & a Reiki Master. She then studied with the British Medical Acupuncture Society and the London Homeopathic Hospital. She is also an NLP practitioner & she uses Emotional Freedom Therapy in her practice also.
She has been instrumental in helping develop a Foundation Degree in her local College in Holistic & Integrative Therapies. This helps give practitioners of holistic therapies the confidence to work in medical environments if they so desire.
It was 2006 when Dr Ann started to study Metaphysics and she undertook extensive Advanced Spiritual Training with the Modern Mystery School.
Today she practices healing techniques which have been handed down through the ancient Lineage of King Salomon. As a Guide in the Modern Mystery School she also teaches classes of Empowerment handing down tools to help us manage our energy & wellbeing in everyday life. These teachings and healings are open to all. Dr Ann teaches throughout Ireland & internationally.
Thanks to her training at the Modern Mystery School Dr Ann is a Life Activation Practitioner, a Healer & Guide. She is a Wiccan Priestess & an Egyptian Priestess in the Lineage of King Salomon.
She passionately continues her training as an Apprentice Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Teacher.
Dr Ann leads Modern Mystery School Ireland.
She serves as a Member of the Council of 12.
She is often consulted as a medical expert in the media including Yahoo, Cosmopolitan & Glamour.
She is happy to discuss potential treatment plans & any courses you might like to undertake to assist in personal growth & enlightenment.

Once Upon a tinder by Dr. Ann Donnelly
Whether you are a novice or more experienced, it demonstrates the dos and don’ts through tender stories of first dates and romantic encounters. Dr. Ann will take you on one journey after another with gentle self-awareness.
Be prepared to laugh out loud and perhaps shed a tear or two, as we unravel the most important relationship of all; the one you have with you. Before you know it, this heart-warming manual will have you Daring to Love Again!
Contact Us
Modern Mystery School 41 International Blvd Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3
1-877-275-1383 (Toll free)
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