Date                October 22nd to 24th, 2012

Location         Toronto, Ontario

Time               11:00 am – ???

Event Description

We have entered into a new era, a time where New Paradigm ways of living, creating, and thriving are changing the world as we know it. In this time of transition, the art and science of Alchemy is more critical than ever to help guide our personal and societal transformations on a positive course. Alchemy is making its comeback to help usher in the next Golden Age.

In the world at large and in popular culture we are seeing more and more direct references to Alchemy. When we talk about it with average people they are very intrigued and open to its concepts???even excited by the potential roadmap it provides for more masterfully navigating in times of change. And the younger generations who are growing up with exposure to these themes in their movies, books, video games, etc. are soon going to be looking for where they can receive training to become real alchemists.

Traditional Alchemy Teaching Apprenticeship:

  • This track is for initiates who want to teach Alchemy in their local areas.
  • Approved apprentices will be given a 90 min and a 3 hour Intro to Alchemy Seminars for the public right away, and will begin to Apprentice to teach the Level 1 Alchemy 2-day workshop.
  • Those who do well at Level 1 will have opportunity to later apply for apprenticing to teach the Level 2 Alchemy workshop and other Alchemy seminars developed.

Laboratory Alchemy Apprenticeship:

  • This track is for those who would like to run or co-run a practical alchemy laboratory in their local area, which can be used for creating spagyric tinctures and remedies and MMS-sanctioned products.
  • Note: that these labs will be closely monitored by Theresa and MMS INT, and will need to abide by MMS policies and guidelines. If you want to do lab alchemy for yourself, but not run an official MMS Alchemy Lab, then just take the Alchemy trainings that will be offered soon, rather than apply to apprentice. Practical alchemy training begins at the Level 2 Alchemy Workshop that will be offered starting in 2013.

What you will gain as an Apprentice:

  • Handing down of teaching scripts (for those on the Traditional Alchemy Teaching track) and hands-on training from Theresa in how to teach these programs. These classes and workshops are open to all and can be used to help promote towards the MMS initiatory path as well as Kabbalah and other core offerings and healing services.
  • Assistance with setting up a laboratory (for those on the Lab Alchemy track), and hands-on training opportunities in how to work in the lab, where more advanced spagyrics creation and alchemical work can take place.
  • Support/Guidance from Theresa to develop New Paradigm Alchemy applications (for those on that track), and assistance in implementing them.
  • Access to pre-scheduled group and personal coaching calls with Theresa to support your apprentice process.
  • Opportunity to do the Great Work in a practical way that will produce tangible benefits.
  • Opportunity to earn more money by getting Alchemy out there in the world.
  • Deepen your own path of progression by integrating the Alchemical Ray within your life
  • Integrate together all the pieces of your Mystery School training into the one system that unites these teachings.

Required Level of Initiation             To All Initiates

Prerequisites                                     Alchemy Level 1


First 10 to book                                 $1795.00

11 to 15                                               $1995.00

16 +                                                       $2250.00

Audit                                                      None

Deposit                                               $500.00 (non-refundable deposit)

To book please contact or call Toll Free 1 (877) 275-1383 (in North America

Search within, and if you feel called to Alchemy, then don???t miss this rare opportunity!

* Tan Applies.