alchemyThe Power of Alchemy

Taught by Theresa Bullard, Ph.D

Level 1 ??? June 25th & 26th, 2016 10am-7pm both days

Accelerate your Evolution

The tradition of Alchemy has long held the secrets to transformation, accelerated evolution, achieving your true potential, longevity, beauty, innovation, health and healing, sexual ecstasy, true wealth, scientific discovery, perfecting nature, and much more.

If you want to attain the ancient alchemy of turning the ???lead??? of your life into ???gold???, join us!

  • Learn powerful techniques that create true and lasting change in your life
  • Harness the forces within you to get the results you desire and deserve
  • Access your whole-brain, to heighten your intuition and stimulate your creativity
  • Break free from limitations and dead weight that hold you down
  • Unleash your true potential and masterfully manifest your dreams and goals
  • Be spiritually connected and still live a modern lifestyle
  • Turn the ???lead??? of your life into ???gold??????..then this workshop is a must!


Participants will come to a greater state of wholeness & completion through the alchemical process, with a new level of conscious awakening.

In this Alchemy (Level 1) workshop you will receive both information and practical exercises to elicit positive transformation and consciousness expansion. Topics include:

  • Foundations of Alchemy
  • The 7 Hermetic Principles and The 7 Stages of Transformation
  • Role of Kabbalah and the Tree of Life in Alchemy
  • The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismagistus
  • Practical Tools/Methods to create positive change in your life
  • The Importance of Alchemy in our Lives Today


Early Registration Tiered Pricing:

  • First block of 5 people to register with deposit: $575
  • Second block (spots 6-10) with deposit: $635
  • Third block (spots 11-15) with deposit: $685
  • Fourth block (spots 16+) with deposit: $750


Deposit: $200

Program Location:

Mysterium Center

12476 Venice Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90066

To register, please contact Mysterium Center:


Phone: 1-323-577-4760