Summer Solstice Ceremony – TO

Date: Friday, June 21st, 2024 Doors open: 7:30 pmCeremony begins promptly at: 8 p.m.End time: 9:30 p.m.  Location: Modern Mystery School HQ41 International Blvd, Toronto, ON At the Summer Solstice, the Sun shines long and bright in the sky bringing warmth, joy and...

SOM Evening

Date: Thursday, August 8th, 2024  Time:  Evening – Time to be confirmed Location: Toronto, ON This is a check-in evening for those attending TB 3-2.Please see email for full details. PRE-REQUISITE: School of the Mage TB 3-1 PLEASE SEE EMAIL FOR FULL REGISTRATION...
Chapter 7: All of Us, or None of Us

Chapter 7: All of Us, or None of Us

We believe world peace is possible. It is the mission of the Modern Mystery School to empower individuals to find peace within. There is a hidden mystery teaching that initiates learn on the path that, simply put, we are in this together. Every human being and soul on Earth. Peace, joy, fulfilment, enlightenment … it’s all possible, and we’ll get there together.

Chapter 6: Build Your Purpose

Chapter 6: Build Your Purpose

When you know there’s more to what you are here to do, how do you get there? How do you create a fulfilling and meaningful life? In Chapter 6, Mary Joy Garcia and Anthony Long, two initiates who live and work in Texas, share how they’ve used the mystery school teachings and tools of power to build something truly special for themselves.

Chapter 5: Beyond the Surface

Chapter 5: Beyond the Surface

In a world captivated by what is on the surface, it takes courage to go beyond. When life is already good and satisfying, where is there left to go?

We explore these depths in Chapter 5 as we follow the stories of two initiates, Casey Lepper journeying from the depths of subconscious exploration in a psychotherapy setting, and Zuyapa Jackson stepping off the fashion runway to pursue consciousness and healing.