The Kabbalah is sacred mystical study that explores the mysteries of divinity within the human experience. The Modern Mystery School’s Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah 10-month Ascension Program is a spiritual tradition dedicated to unlocking your greatness and...
Take some time for yourself to relax and find your centre with the Max Meditation System™. A system that guides you through simple & easy steps that bring you to a place of total relaxation, awareness, insight & peace. Compiled of 5 different methods...
Experience the power of the Ensofic Ray! Ensofic Reiki is the purest and most powerful ray of reiki energy that comes to us from Ensof (infinite and almighty being we refer to as God). It is the 1st ray of creation, making it a powerful healing modality that...
Have you ever wanted to connect in with realms you’ve only visited in your dreams? Are you craving that deeper connection to spirit? Are you ready to receive the wisdom of your Higher Self? All the wisdom you need to live a life of purpose can be found within you and...
The Mystery School tradition has always acknowledged and worked with the 11 other races of magickal beings that share this planet with humans. These beings, known as the Elves, Fairies, Mer, Gypsies and many others, once lived in harmony with humans until it was...