12 Races of Earth – T.O.

12 Races of Earth – T.O.

The Mystery School tradition has always acknowledged and worked with the 11 other races of magickal beings that share this planet with humans. These beings, known as the Elves, Fairies, Mer, Gypsies and many others, once lived in harmony with humans until it was...
Kabbalah for Kabbalists 1 – T.O.

Kabbalah for Kabbalists 1 – T.O.

  “Kabbalah for Kabbalists gives you the power, clarity, direction, passion and drive to live your life as you desire in full service to yourself and to others in joy. Kabbalah helps us to become consciously aware and in Kabbalah for Kabbalists we are able...
Online: Full Moon Meditation – T.O.

Online: Full Moon Meditation – T.O.

Date: Wednesday, February 16th, 2022 Start time: 7:00pm EST Description: During this month’s online meditation journey, we will be working with the theme of Courage: Honouring your inner flame, using a guided visualization.  The Full Moon is a time...
Sacred Geometry 2 – T.O.

Sacred Geometry 2 – T.O.

Is healing part of your life purpose? Are you called to becoming a healer? Crystal healing is one of the most wonderfully powerful and versatile healing tools that any healer (beginner or seasoned) could ask for!  Crystals are a wonderful gift from Mother Earth which...
Astral Travel – T.O.

Astral Travel – T.O.

Astral Travel is defined as the art or science of travelling outside of the body to obtain information. Whether you think that you’ve astral traveled before, or are simply ready to explore the universe and all that lies within it, the ability to consciously travel and...
Sacred Geometry 1 – T.O.

Sacred Geometry 1 – T.O.

Sacred Geometry is a wonderful series of teachings and tools that have been with us for thousands of years! From the mandalas of the eastern world, to the geometries of the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah to the Pythagorean Theorem we study in high school, the...