Presented by Aleksandra Ceho

Learn the underlying purpose of Astrology according to the Ancient Teachings.  You are much more than the astrological stereotype presented to you in popular media.  Learn how astrology can help you to understand your own life experiences  in relation to the path of the soul.

???The Presiding One looked forth upon the sons of men, who are the Sons of God.  He saw their light and where they stood upon the Way which leads back to the Heart of God.  

The Way sweeps in a circle through the twelve great Gates, and, cycle after cycle, the Gates are opened and the Gates are shut.  The Sons of God, who are the sons of men, march on.
Dim is the light at first.  Selfish the trend of human aspiration, and dark the deeds resultant.  Slowly men learn and, in learning, pass between the pillars of the Gates time and again.  
Dull is the understanding but in the Halls of Discipline, found in each section of the circle???s cosmic sweep, the truth is slowly grasped; the needed lesson learnt; the nature purified??????

Excerpt from: Alice A. Bailey, The Labours of Hercules: An Astrological Interpretation

Free Astrology Lecture

Tuesday October 5th, 2010
7:00 pm
83 Galaxy Blvd. Unit 3
**Seating is limited.  To reserve your place, please contact:
416.625.3470 or e-mail at
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