Frequently Asked Questions

Why does MMS stand out so much compared to religions and other spiritual or New Age practices?

The MMS is very different in many ways to most seminar companies, religions or those who teach “New Age spirituality.”

Firstly, we follow what is called a Hermetic path. This is a way of doing things and it dictates how we operate. In the MMS we hold to our Hermetic path because we know it works from thousands of years of experience.  As long as one puts one foot in front of the other on the path, so to speak, they will “get there.”

The core of this path is SELF-RESPONSIBILITY and in the world today this is a serious issue for so many.

We believe one must own their choices and that is a big part of understanding your own power in the world.  In many religions and spiritual practices today there is an abdication of self-responsibility or a disregard to hold to one’s own commitments.

In the MMS, should one ASK and REQUEST (which is always done in writing) to attend and receive higher training and knowledge, there is almost always a level of commitment we ask that person to abide by. For example, signing our Code of Ethics, Non-Compete Agreements, etc., which means to honour what you were taught. Sometimes the honouring is as simple as, “Please don’t take this teaching and corrupt it by mixing others things from outside the MMS into it that was never taught as a part of it.”

Unfortunately in the world today there is always a small group of people who come to these teachings with the intent to take them and then misrepresent them as their own teachings thereby dishonouring the way they came to know it.  The problem is those teachings can no longer be verified as lineage teachings (correct and accurate to what is it we do), so we do not permit this to take place.

To help keep what we do as accurate and clean as possible we require higher level students to certify every year and demonstrate they understand what they are doing when they say they “represent” the MMS, the teachings, the healings and the lineage.

EVERY SINGLE STUDENT can teach whatever they want in anyway they want to whoever they want, BUT if they are using the MMS material, trademarked teachings, names or modalities then no, we do not let that stand and they are not recognized as representing the MMS, as its way and path for the obvious reasons are not in alignment with it.

ALL of this is made SUPER CLEAR, as it is here, usually many times, this is how and why we do this, most (the VAST majority) understand and accept this because it makes sense and is honorable, but there are sometimes a few who get angry when it is pointed out to them that they are not in alignment with their own commitments.

In the traditions of the lineage, commitment is what opens the door to higher knowledge. For us this commitment often comes in terms of SERVICE.  Those that serve, usually gain knowledge and experience of the work more easily. We define service as such:

The authentic promotion, confirmation, transformation & acknowledgement that someone is god!

We believe that all humans are of divine origin and have the spark of the divine within, therefore we promote and support that teaching that all have god / the divine within ourselves and should be treated as such and supported to understand their own unique connection to the divine within themselves.

Service can only be un-selfish in nature, otherwise it is not service but would be classified as selfishness. Service is the mission of assisting people in their needs, facilitating healing and individual shift and being an iron rod for people to lean on as they struggle through their lives.

All the tools of the Modern Mystery School are aimed towards this purpose and are also designed to make an impact on people’s lives. For example, it is very few people who receive the Life Activation that do not experience a powerful shift in their lives. This is despite the fact that they don’t really know that much about it, they don’t see the process and there are no books to read more about it!

The Modern Mystery School has grown because of how people feel from our services (the teachings and the healings) and when meeting our representatives!

What’s the difference between your school/teachings and most new age teachings available today?

While we appreciate the value of the current inspirational messages that are often loosely rooted in truth, at the present time, there is an over-abundance of spiritual misinformation flooding the spiritual teachings of the world by those whom are often referred to as New Age gurus or advocates. They are usually well-intentioned individuals, but they often deny or simply over look certain deep truths about the world we live in.

Time and again: participants of inspirational seminars and followers of the newest best-selling spiritual books grab hold of the misdirected or overly exaggerated claims that the ‘experts’ offer and end up being disappointed after all the hype has faded. Often the student finds the extent of these experts is limited only to the view point of whatever new book they wish to sell you.

As ridiculous as it is, more often than not these experts try to make very deep spiritual understanding seem so simple as you need only read one or two books to give you all the answers you ever wanted in life or answer all the deepest spiritual understandings the divine has given us. Understanding the divine is an extraordinarily deep and intricate subject worthy of a lifetime (and longer) of understanding and while the latest new age book/philosophy may truly offer some beginning guidance to the path of spiritual wisdom it is far from the end of the understanding the divine. More often than not, these barely scratch the surface of true spiritual wisdom.

Within the current New Age field, there are many who do healing and teachings but they do not have the lineage to do this. They have not studied for many years nor have they deepened their knowledge of the subject matter. Often they believe that they have some powers or knowledge or a gift (usually invisible and unverifiable) that supports the services they offer, yet only placing the most modest amount (if any) in learning any ancient teachings with proven lineage and successful methodologies.

Most of the time these experts cannot bring the student into a deep(er) understanding of most spiritual subjects nor can they bring people to true empowerment and understanding of the deeper knowledge of the spirit world and our place as humans in it.

Another sad fact is many who teach new age philosophies simply label true deep and ancient esoteric/metaphysical teachings as dogma or unnecessary. These teachings are the original foundations of most the of the new age teachings in the world today, however chopped up, skewed and maligned the many new age teachings have made them out to be. Omitting what they can’t or choose not to understand or simply latching on to one small concept of understanding and trying to state that it is the whole of all there is, when in fact it may only be the first step of a million-step journey.

A great deal of new age teachings boil down to some basics such as all you need to do is think good thoughts and good things will happen or negative energies do not exist, Karma is not in effect, the world is made only purely of light, the world is perfect just the way it is and there is nothing we need to do to change it, you do not need to take responsibility for your contribution or actions in the world, enlightenment comes simply by thinking and meditating about it and nothing else is needed, etc.

Often these new age teachings and teachers ignore the reality that adversity and dealing with negative energy is an unavoidable part of everyone’s life, instead promoting false assumptions which lead to a deep disservice to those seeking true spiritual knowledge in order to truly come to know thyself.

Within true lineage holders and Metaphysical teachings you as the seeker can be sure that both lineage and authority is there. True Metaphysical lineage has thousands of years of knowledge and wisdom that has been handed down from teacher to student, unbroken and this lineage will benefit the student far more in the long term. These teachings involve proven and effective methods on dealing with all aspects of our mental, spiritual and physical lives.

The Modern Mystery School tradition is an example of these teachings and has a direct lineage from King Solomon for over 3000 years. The teachings are not based on some new age pop up philosophy but are solid teachings and healing methods that have been tried and true for thousands of years. To put it simply, the teachings are ancient, they have been proven to work and they will take the student into far deeper wells of knowledge than any new age teachings could ever hope to offer.

If these are truly divine teachings why do you charge money for it? Shouldn’t this kind of thing be free for all to access?

Abundance is often interpreted as money, but in reality is an all encompassing concept of having enough of all positive things you desire in your life. Friends, family, joy, peace, etc. For the sake of this question the simple answer is you get paid directly as a result of the energy you move.

Abundance isn’t selfish or greedy, the potential for selfishness or greed is within all of those who express it with or without abundance in their lives. It is often interpreted and even promoted in this time of rising consciousness that to charge for true divine teachings is somehow wrong or is proof you are not following ‘divine law/teachings’. This is an interesting concept for those in the MMS and often puzzling.

At the MMS we fail to see the connection with abundance of ourselves, our teachers and our students as a bad thing or somehow having a negative spiritual connection. Almost as though having abundance is equal to being non-spiritual. This is promoted because of the GREED in the corporate world and many of the so called free religions which often are multi-billion dollar industries.

We believe in the divine and that part of our journey on this planet is to learn the understanding of how universal energetic laws work, for in this world or the next or any other world, one doesn’t get things for free without some kind of energy exchange. The very nature of all existence is universal movement and exchange of energy. The problem arises when we horde or gather energy without direction of cause. Collecting for the purpose of collecting more for the purpose of collecting more, etc. This truly is when universal law is broken and the world falls flat on its face.

Collecting money for example for the sake of collecting more is not of the light. But if one collected more to help feed a village or help a homeless person that would truly be of the light. Money for spreading the light and helping others AND YOURSELF and your PERSONAL JOY in life is of the LIGHT!! In balance we are meant to learn discernment in this process too. We are not meant to simply throw money around at everything and abdicate our responsibly to GOD to sort it all out as to how it will work out. To be spiritual adults we need to take responsibility for ourselves and our choices and start to behave in a spiritually adult way.

This exchange of energy is called the infinity loop and if you break it you are literally breaking universal law. One who takes without giving back in return is truly one who is greedy. They want something but choose not to give in return. How is that behavior different than most non-light organizations in the world today? The answer is it isn’t. It is GREED in the worst way under the impression that one should give a person whatever they ask for because they want it. This is a sad mindset indeed.

At times we hear people say things like “This information was meant for everyone so withholding it for money is wrong and not in keeping with GOD’s plan”, or something of that ilk. True the information is for most everyone but whatever gave a person the impression that they were not meant to work for it or not exchange energy for it? As if to say it has no value or requires no effort so simply “give it to me because I want it”. If it is meant to simply “know it” then a person would, instantly. So there is something divine to be gained in studying this information and of course placing energy out to those who offer it to them. This is universal energy in motion.

A great many world religions have taught the dogma that being poor is the path to enlightenment. That having wealth is a sin or can create too many temptations to fall from grace so its best to be poor or to have, at most, a modest lifestyle. Others still, reinforce that a true light-worker would do their work for free. After all isn’t that what a person of GOD is supposed to do?

These very old misconceptions were first put out to the world to keep the people in their roles as servants to the state or to the various religious organizations that needed to keep the masses under control. (Heaven forbid the average person, with a good and kind heart had the money to create a major change in the world). These statements by design and intent leave the majority of abundance in the hands of those few who wish to control the world and for the most part, serve their own egos and desires.

If we truly believe in the above, then how, as light-workers, are we to effect change in the world? It is true that at this point in time money makes the world go around. Money, in and of its self, is not evil. It is how it is used and a good person will use money and abundance in a good way.

The premise that having or charging money is evil or misaligned from spirituality is false. Does it not take money to heat buildings, pay taxes, pay for food, clothing, flying in the great teachers from around the world, pay for their lodgings, etc. There is a false perspective in a great deal of the spiritual community that having abundance is selfish or greedy.

Another false premise is that if you share your abundance with someone else you will have less and they will have more. As practitioners/light-workers in every walk of life you deserve to be rewarded for the services you provide whether it be in teachings, healing or assisting your community.

In the ancient times do we really believe the workers that built temples/sacred buildings, (or served in them), ministered to the poor, healed the sick or taught the masses weren’t clothed, fed and given homes to live in? In those times, where barter was the system of trade, those trades were made, OF COURSE!

Can light work be done for free? Of course it can! But to make it free just to prove you are divine is, frankly, ridiculous.

Would you expect your mechanic, waiter, store clerk, school teacher, gas station attendant or YOURSELF to work for free? Does that mean these people are not of the light or aren’t spiritual because they get paid for the services they provide?

Abundance is a large part of our school’s belief system. We teach our students how to make and generate abundance, in a way of the light so they themselves can spread the kindness of their hearts using that abundance, as we all do.

Abundance for light workers and people with love in their hearts is a good thing. We see evidence of it everywhere and with the expectation of a VERY ELITE FEW; we fail to see how a person can change the world en mass in a state of poverty.

Magick brings us into the stream of infinite positive possibilities. It opens our eyes to the limitless potentials of abundance. There is enough for everyone! Be fearless in this belief. Do not give into the rhetoric of the old system and fear mongers. Be brave. Share your energy and it will change the world. To not understand this is the first block to generating you own abundance. When we include ourselves in the potential then more magick happens and more abundance happens for everyone.

At the MMS until we create a world based purely on the energy of Shamballah we will continue to charge a fair price for ALL services and teachings we offer.

Why do the classes cost what they do?

We’ve done some comparison and found that most spiritual or metaphysical schools charge into the tens of thousands of dollars for their intensive programs right off the bat. We fall somewhere in the low to medium cost bracket for this type of study.

The classes, programs and services cost what they do because we believe in equal energy exchange and these teachings and healings are valuable and beneficial. Most who step onto this path agree that it was worth the money they paid and knowing now the benefits they received, they say that they would have paid more! That being said, the costs are a reflection of the energy the practitioner or teacher is expending, as well as the time and costs that that person had to go through to study, learn and receive the certification to perform that service or teach that class.

No one is expected to work for free out in the real world and spiritual-based work should be viewed the same way. Being spiritual need not equate to being poor. We believe that there is enough monetary abundance for everyone on this planet and encourage our students and clients to share in that mindset.

Are there tuition fees?

There are no tuition fees, just the costs of individual classes and programs but not something you have to pay per year or semester. It is a pay-as-you-go format, where you only pay for and take the classes you are interested in.

Where do I start?

There is a buffet of classes and services to sample and taste at the Modern Mystery School, and everyone’s hunger is different. Some like to nibble, others can’t get enough in one sitting and come back for seconds! The most common place people start is with the Life Activation. There are many evening, one-day and weekend classes, workshops and presentations that don’t require any prerequisites only a commitment of a few hours and an open mind. Give it a try and if the teachings resonate with you, the menu is plentiful and the server is ready to take your order! We recommend connecting with a Certified Practitioner in your area for a consultation to discuss your own personal spiritual goals.

How do I connect with an MMS Certified Practitioner or Teacher in my area?

Please visit our Certified Practitioner List to view all Certified Guides, Teachers, Healers and Life Activation Practitioner who operate independently in locations all over the world. If you don’t see someone in your area, you can contact the MMS International administration head office at 416-625-3470 or and we will put you in touch with a Teacher and Guide who is closest to your area or traveling.

How far do I have to go/can I go with this study?

You can go as far deep as you desire. Many have been with us for over 10 years and are still studying deeper and deeper teachings. There is no set expectation that once you take one class you should do another. There are recommendations if you are looking to achieve a certain goal, and there are pre-requisite classes for certain intensive programs, but it is always in your own hands. You can go as far down the rabbit hole as you like!

Why are you named the Modern Mystery School?

Although this school has over 3000 years of traceable lineage the name Modern Mystery School is the most current manifestation of this great school that has existed for thousands of years. The energy for this school is held and has been held in a secret location in the Rocky Mountains in the USA. As such we were once called the Rocky Mountain Mystery School but as we have expanded worldwide in 36 different countries it was felt a name that is more in keeping with our bigger perspective was in order… hence the Modern Mystery School, ancient teachings for modern times!

Is your school certified or registered with the government? Can I receive government-approved credits for attending?

The short answer is simply no. Unfortunately the government (and most any other governments in the world) does not recognize metaphysical teachings as such and will not certify any school that teaches this. Although we would like to be certified we do not anticipate the government moving on this issue any time soon. We respect the governments stand on this and accept the fact they are not open to approach this subject at this time.

That being said, all of our Master Teachers are educated at the highest level in their various area of expertise. Most have several decades of training and teaching under their belts as initiates in metaphysics and are tremendously knowledgeable in metaphysical and shamanic teachings. Because we are not able to be certified or registered by a government body in no way reduces, removes or negates the level of expertise or knowledge our Master Teachers have obtained through years of diligent study. Our Master Teachers continue to teach to students all over the world and are equivalent of any Masters or Doctorate level professional in any University in North America in their area of study.

It should be noted that most of our Master Teachers have also obtained traditional postsecondary education in Universities and Colleges from their various countries of origin. This includes Doctoral, Masters and basic degrees in Physics, Law, Business Administration, Psychology, Finance, Languages, Philosophy, Marketing and Sales, Journalism, Physiology, Graphic Design, Computers and Technology, Criminology, Kinesiology, Nursing, Engineering, Medicine, etc.

Why does the MMS refer to people as Students?

We call a customer a student when they have attended any class(es) which are open to the public. These classes are ones anyone from anywhere can participate in WITHOUT any prior training or knowledge in the lineage teachings.  For example, a person decides to come to an introductory class, meditation, or a 3-hour workshop and never come to anything else after that. From that point forward we would identify that customer as a student but that doesn’t mean they will or have done any further training.

Many students have found the MMS from using a search engine such as Google; landing upon an official MMS website or a practitioner’s website; Social Media such as Facebook and Instagram; tradeshows and holistic expos; word of mouth and personal referrals; traditional advertisements and marketing; YouTube videos; Mystery Teachings with Dr. Theresa Bullard on Gaia TV; or any other of our avenues of public presence.

Students may work with any one of the hundreds of Teachers or Guides who are certified by MMS in lineage teachings around the world.

While much more is available there are no expectations or requirements placed upon a student to continue with any further training.

What is an INITIATE?

An initiate is a student (customer) who has chosen to do the Empower Thyself Program and Initiation. In attending this class of foundational teachings in the lineage way, one is considered an Adept Initiate in the Lineage of King Salomon.  Some jump at the opportunity the moment they see it, others may take several public classes or evening workshops before they do so.

The initiation in Empower Thyself is a spiritual ceremony comparable to a right of passage, as is similar in many other spiritual traditions or official ceremonies. The ceremony is similar to a “knighting” ceremony done with a sword upon the shoulders of the individual. It is symbolic as well as it is sacred and holy in our spiritual tradition and we treat it as such.

As an initiate, one now has the ability to do classes that are not available to the public because you have some fundamental prerequisite teachings.  Just like a regular school we can not teach further concepts without having basic understanding of the foundations first. The Empower Thyself Program and Initiation is considered a pre-requisite for programs such as Healers Academy, or classes such as Alchemy, Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah, Gaia Awakening, and many others.


A Life Activation Practitioner is someone who has attended Week I of the Healers Academy Program and trained to become a certified practitioner of the Life Activation modality. We consider the modality very important to our work, so one must work hard at learning how to do the modality properly in order to graduate and become certified.

Again, just like a regular school in order to attend Healers Academy, one would also have had to attended five pre-requisite classes prior, but in no specific order:

  • Empower Thyself Program and Initiation (Two full days)
  • Sacred Geometry Level 1 (4-hours)
  • Astral Travel (4- hours)
  • Journeys of the Spirit (Full day)
  • 12 Races (Full Day)

These prerequisites create the foundation for one to understand how to work with the teachings in the Healers Academy.

In Healers Academy, one receives 2 modalities to be used as they see fit as well as training in how to offer our trademarked meditation technique. These are The Life Activation, Aura Healing and Max Meditation SystemTM.

Upon graduation of Healers Academy, the Life Activation Practitioner is considered Certified and listed on the official MMS website certified list for one year. This certified practitioners list is linked on all major MMS websites around the world. However, should they wish to remain certified, they have the choice to attend an annual certification training (called Professional Integration Day – PID) to maintain that status.

The option of annual certification allows the practitioner to remain listed on our certified practitioners list online, as well as provide the opportunity of attending further training (for example, to learn other healing modalities or take continued advanced spiritual and metaphysical classes) which requires remaining certified as a pre-requisite.

Should they choose not to certify yearly they can continue to use what they’ve learned as they see fit, however MMS just cannot validate them as certified practitioners as we have no idea if what they are doing is accurate to the MMS’ teachings anymore.

Should the practitioner choose to certify in the future they may do so with no penalty.  They simply register for an up coming certification attend per the usual way one would go to any seminar or class.

At this level, the MMS has the practitioner sign a Code of Ethics and Non-Disclosure/Non-Compete Agreement which asks the practitioner to promise to operate in an ethical manner at all times. The NDA/NCA ensures the protection of MMS copyright materials so they cannot be modified, repackaged and sold as something else, nor shall the sacred and unique teachings be disclosed to the public. These documents are signed once and valid for 5 years from the last recorded class that one attends at the MMS.

At this point the practitioner will also sign a Mental Health Disclaimer which ensures they understand that energy healings and spiritual teachings do not replace or substitute any medical or psychiatric treatments they may currently be undergoing.

What is a TEACHER?

Students also have the opportunity to train to become a Teacher certified by the MMS. This training is optional, no student is required to become a Teacher. Some want to and some prefer not to.

A Teacher is someone that has already become a Life Activation Practitioner, is currently certified and wishes to learn how to offer some of our foundational teachings to their own clients/others.

Examples of the classes that they can teach after obtaining the Teacher designation in this 5 day program are:

  • Stress Rescue™
  • Awaken Thyself™
  • Spiritual Intuition™
  • Sanctuary Meditation™
  • Astral Travel™
  • Sacred Geometry Level 1™
  • 7 Mystery Schools™

In order to maintain certification as a Teacher one must only certify as a Life Activation Practitioner, meaning they are certified by MMS to teach these classes as they see fit provided they don’t alter the teachings in anyway.

For those that choose not to certify yearly, this doesn’t change anything other than MMS cannot validate them as certified practitioners and will no longer list them as certified teachers on our websites. Should the practitioner/teacher choose to re-certify in the future they may do so with no penalty.

There are no requirements made of any Teacher to teach these classes. Receiving this training and the teaching of these classes are completely at the will and discretion of the Teacher.

As all teaching materials are under copyright and trademarked to MMS, these teachings cannot be repackaged and taught as one’s own material.

What is a HEALER?

Should a Certified Life Activation Practitioner wish to continue to learn more spiritual healing modalities, they may attend Healers Academy Week 2, which they would then be considered a Certified Healer.

The pre-requisite to attending Healers Academy Week 2 is that they successfully complete Healers Academy Week 1 and are currently certified.

Once one completes Healers Academy Week 2 and becomes a Certified Healer, they are then able to take further healing modality trainings the MMS offers, such as King Salomon Healing Modality or Etheric Reconstruction.

In order to maintain certification as a Healer one must certify yearly. For those that choose not to certify yearly, this doesn’t change anything other than MMS cannot validate them as certified practitioners and will no longer list them as Certified Healers on our websites. Should they choose to re-certify in the future they may do so with no penalty.

There are no requirements made of any Healer to perform these healings or receive this training. Use of these healing modalities are completely at the will and discretion of the Healer.

As all healing modalities that are taught are material which are under copyright to MMS, they cannot be repackaged and taught as one’s own material.

What is a GUIDE?

Should a Life Activation Practitioner, Healer or Teacher wish to have the ability to teach the Empower Thyself Program and Initiation, they can apply to become a Guide.

This training is optional, no student is required to become a Guide.

A Guide is someone that is a Life Activation Practitioner, and may or may not be a Teacher as of yet. Although being a Healer is a requirement.  In order to hold the position of a Guide one must maintain their certifications on a yearly basis.

There is an application process for this level of training and around 30 to 35% are declined on their first application as they may not be ready to take on the work and duties of the role they are asking for.

One must request to be considered and demonstrate that they understand the level of responsibility that they are requesting. A Guide must be willing to become a representative of the Modern Mystery School and the lineage of King Salomon. A Guide must behave with integrity in accordance with our mandate. They are in essence saying to others that they are the MMS and their behaviours and actions are representative of what we believe and who we are.

If the applicant is willing to accept these responsibilities, they may be considered for the position of Guide.

There are many requirements to being a Guide and these requirements are made extremely clear in writing before any student fully accepts this role. This job is not to be requested lightly and really is only for those that wish to do the work required and make this work an integral part of their daily lives.

Examples of the requirements of a Guide

  • Act in integrity at all times
  • Be in service to those that request
  • Be a positive representative of the MMS and our lineage
  • Live in accordance to what you are teaching
  • Maintain Certification as a Life Activation Practitioner and Healer
  • Teach the Empower Thyself Program and initiate students into the lineage – a minimum of 5 of their own clients per year.

Guides are offered much support in this role and have the ability to receive that support from their fellow Guides, International Instructors, MMS International Headquarters Administration as well as The Third Order and Council of 12 and many others.

Once a person becomes a Guide, they join the Guide quorum of the MMS and in so doing they are able to vote on a number of key issues that effect their role. For example, as a Guide, they would vote to set the minimum pricing of classes offered and then agree to uphold that pricing.

If at any time a Guide decides they no longer want this responsibility, they can request to be relieved of this level of initiation or simply not show up for their commitment of a yearly recertification without penalty.

If, after a number of years of taking up this responsibility, a Guide continues to not meet the minimum criteria, they may be demoted. While they may no longer serve as a Guide, they may continue to offer Life Activations, teach other non-initiatory classes they’ve been handed down, offer sessions that they have received training for, and attend additional classes they may be interested in taking.


This is someone who has maintained Guide status and has chosen to apprentice in one or more of the many available options for teaching higher level classes within MMS, such as Healers Academy, Teachers Academy, Galactic Activation, Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah, Ensofic Ray, Warriors of Light, Know Thyself, Hermetic Astrology, the advanced levels of Sacred Geometry and many more.

This is a completely optional role as this ultimately is a career choice for those who wish to pursue it (which is a comparatively small number of people who do this compared to the number of Guides and Teachers.)

An International Instructor and Specialty Teacher may teach classes locally, or may travel to teach classes to various MMS Centres or areas where a Guide may host them. They will also teach during an international program where classes such Healers Academy, Teachers Academy, etc., will be scheduled.

They are a representative of MMS as a whole and work accordingly to uphold the quality and integrity of the teachings provided. Make no mistake, this training is very hard to become an International Instructor or Specialty Teacher and one is held to the HIGHEST standard in this role.


Ritual Master is a congruent area of study that requires the students on this path to remain certified as their respective level of practitioners (mentioned above: Life Activation Practitioner, Healer, Guide.)

It is a very tough part of the path and teaching – the tough love part, as you will work toward facing negativities within yourself and shifting into self-acceptance of your own power to be greater.  Simply put, those that see themselves only as victims in life will not last long in the program, and as is said in the first day of the first class: they will quit while blaming anyone but themselves.

The Ritual Master path studies delve into sacred ritual and the arts, science, history and practical application of ancient Hermetic, esoteric and metaphysical teachings.

On this path of study, there is required reading, rituals (prayers and ceremonies) to practice, and just like all other courses of study there are pre-requisite classes to attend at each level.

The Ritual Master path and the classes that pertain to this study are clearly laid out and indicated to those who wish to attend.

The Ritual Master path has an application process at every level. A student must request to be accepted as a Ritual Master and to continue its study. It is not a requirement to apply for Ritual Master, it is optional to apply. However, should one apply and wish to continue, then there are requirements to fulfill.

Once accepted at the first step of the Ritual Master path, the student signs an Informed Consent Agreement indicating they understand the responsibility they have willingly chosen and asked for.

Such requirements include: Annual certification as mentioned, plus attendance at the classes such as Enochian Magick (historic and religious study of the Angels), Warriors of Light (combination of physical exercise, health and spiritual concepts), and others.

There are officially 3 stages or levels along the path of the Ritual Master and at each stage there are different requirements. Requirements increase with each stage and the applicant is aware and has the opportunity to choose to continue to the next level or remain at their current status.

If at any time a Ritual Master decides they no longer want this responsibility, they can request (usually by email) to be relieved of this level of initiation without penalty, or simply fire their Ritual Master teacher by no longer attending the Ritual Master classes.

What is the CERTIFICATION PROCESS? Why do you do it?

Very similar to other professional practices or occupations such as therapists, teachers, doctors, midwives, dentists, naturopathic doctor, to name a few, that require yearly updated certifications or licensing. We at MMS have a certification process for active practitioners and teachers if they so choose to.

Maintaining certification status is completely optional for Life Activation Practitioners, Healers, Teachers and Guides.

On a yearly basis, practitioners of each level decide if they would like to certify for the coming year.

Certification days know as Professional Integration Day (PID) are offered in Canada, Brazil, UK, South Africa and Japan.

If a practitioner decides to certify they will pay a fee for the year.  The fees are as follows for first world countries and are less for 2nd and 3rd world countries:

  • Life Activation Practitioner $510 USD plus tax
  • Healer $610 USD plus tax (includes LAP)
  • Guides $875 USD plus tax (includes LAP and/or Healer)

What this fee includes:

  • Attendance in a Professional Integration Day in the country of their choosing.
  • One full day of training for LAPs (Total is One day = $510)
  • Additional second day of training for LAPs who are also Healers (Total is Two days = $610)
  • Additional two full days of training for Guides (Total is Four days = $875)
  • Listing on our Certified Practitioners lists worldwide
  • Access to edit and post their contact information on the online Certified Practitioners lists if they wish, so that potential clients can find them online and make contact directly with them.
  • Referrals from MMS Headquarters – should a potential client contact HQ looking for a practitioner in a specific location, HQ will refer that client to the certified practitioner that is working closest to that client
  • Receive emails throughout the year with communication from The Third Order, International Instructors, Admin, etc.
  • Access to higher level training at International Programs
  • Access to Apprenticeship programs to become a Specialty Teacher or International Instructor.

Should a practitioner choose not to certify at any given year, and then in the future change their mind, they can re-certify again in the future with no penalty.

What and where is MMS International Headquarters?

MMS International and Western World Headquarters: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

MMS Japan and Eastern World Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan

In addition to the world operational and administrative headquarters in Toronto and Tokyo, there are other regional headquarters and centres that are considered satellite operations of the Modern Mystery School because the initiate community has developed to be so large that in necessitates its own central support system in that part of the world.


 Regional MMS Headquarters have grown from the city/state level of operations to support an entire country or continent of initiates. Whereas the MMS Centres may be run by one or two Guides, a Regional HQ will be run by Senior Guides who are also International Instructors, and be an administrative and energetic support system to several Guides and Ritual Masters who live, work and serve in that country and/or continent. These Regional MMS Headquarters facilitate larger MMS Programs such as Healers Academy, Teachers Academy, Ritual Master, Professional Integration Days (PID) and more.

It should be understood that the MMS regional HQs are wholly owned and operated by independent people and are not employees or contractors of the MMS. Like all we do they have to abide by our Code of Conduct and Ethics and follow the system laid out by the MMS proper and in agreeing to do this they are given the approval of the MMS HQ as representatives. Should they act in a way that is unbecoming of the MMS we retain the right to remove them as a representative.


 MMS Centres are areas where there is a lead Guide (or Guides) who manage a physical centre that supports the local initiate community. These communities are at the City and/or State level. The leaders of these communities are Certified Guides, Third Step Ritual Masters and experienced as Teachers and Healers in the lineage. These MMS Centres facilitate other Modern Mystery School programs such as Kabbalah, Galactic Activation, Know Thyself, Ensofic Reiki and other classes that are taught by Speciality Teachers and International Instructors. They also support the community by providing MMS products for purchase, running regular gatherings, meditations and events.

It should be understood that the MMS centres are wholly owned and operated by independent people and are not employees or contractors of the MMS. Like all we do they have to abide by our Code of Conduct and Ethics and follow the system laid out by the MMS proper and in agreeing to do this they are given the approval of the MMS HQ as representatives. Should they act in a way that is unbecoming of the MMS we retain the right to remove them as a representative.


Guides, Healers and Life Activation Practitioners are independent people considered as “Certified by MMS.” They may run their own practice doing lineage healing and teaching work, in addition to other services (for instance, some are also Reiki practitioners, registered massage therapists, therapists, etc.) This may be an individual practice they run under their name or business. As long as they maintain their certified status with the MMS, they are able to identify themselves as “Certified by MMS.” There may be as many spiritual businesses out there as there are Guides, Healers and Life Activation Practitioners in the MMS. Performing MMS modalities and teachings while at the same time doing other work related or unrelated to these fields of study.

What is an MMS International Program?

An MMS International Program is a large-scale event that is facilitated, organized and executed by either the MMS International Headquarters in Toronto or one of the MMS Regional Headquarters (i.e. Brazil in South America, London, UK, etc.). It is a considered an MMS International program because it welcomes initiates from all over the world and holds the classes that are not available on a local level, such as: Healers Academy 1 and 2, Teachers Academy, Ritual Master, Professional Integration Days and others.

These MMS INT Programs can be anywhere from 1 week to 2.5 weeks long, with multiple classes and trainings happening at the same time. A buffet, if you will, of classes that one may partake from.

They are for the most part offered in hotel conference spaces where the student is responsible for their own lodging, transportation and food needs.

The classes and trainings listed above are included in an MMS INT Program and will have requirements to attend. Registration is typically done through one central location (an HQ) and students attending will receive a receipt for their payment, details about what to prepare for attending and pertinent details for the event.

Not all MMS students attend INT Programs. Out of the thousands of active students, perhaps only a couple hundred choose to attend an INT Program. Attending such programs are optional, however if one is pursuing a particular path of study, these programs host an opportunity to obtain the pre-requisites required for one’s next step.

In the corporate world, events like this are often called conferences, where different branches of the same or multiple organizations will come together for training, seminars and meetings.

Contact Us

Modern Mystery School 41 International Blvd Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3


1-877-275-1383 (Toll free)



our culture
Of Light