Flavio Gracile

Flavio has been an initiate of the Modern Mystery School since 2013 and has since become a Ritual Master and Guide. The archetype of the warrior always resonated with him, and he felt compelled to answer its calling. A lifelong athlete, Flavio has worked in various athletic capacities beginning his journey playing soccer and running cross country and later getting into bodybuilding. He went on to receive training and instruction from both retired and active duty US Navy SEALs at the Sealfit leadership academy in Encinitas, California and the Extreme Seal Experience in Chesapeake, Virginia. Specializing in tactical fitness, he is a Warriors of Light instructor with the MMS and brings a unique skillset and understanding to the curriculum. Flavio seeks to ignite the warrior in men’s souls that has been forgotten.
Contact Us
Modern Mystery School 41 International Blvd Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3
1-877-275-1383 (Toll free)
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