Gudni Gudnason
Gudni Gudnason, often referred to as “Founder Gudni,” is a master metaphorical teacher who imparts metaphysical and esoteric principles using analogy, allegory, and parable. Through humour, theatrics and the sharing of fantastical tales, he shares his hidden wisdom, knowledge, methods, and tools. He uses these methods to allow students to explore their own insights and test the clarity of their discernment. The student is meant to discern a deeper meaning in the stories to question their own preconceived notions and beliefs. He reminds all students that they are their own best teacher, but only through discernment and considering alternative perspectives can one come to know what they truly know. If a tool doesn’t resonate with a student, he guides them to another, encouraging them to dive deeper into the mysteries by delving into mythos and potentialities held in our self mastery and understanding.

“You are an eternal being. You have never been born, therefore you can never die.”

The Modern Mystery School was brought publicly to the world by Gudni Gudnason in 1997, as one of the highest level initiates and key holders from the inner Mystery School lineage of King Salomon. This tradition goes back over 3000 years, and he is a link in the chain of handing down sacred tools of empowerment. Hence you will often hear him referred to as “Founder Gudni,” though he is officially recognized as that of Hierophant, as well as a Sovereign Ipsissimus. He is called Founder Gudni to honour is work and efforts to bring these ancient profound teachings to the world.
Since an early age, he has travelled the world, inspiring thousands of individuals to awaken to the possibility of World Peace and a grander vision of life than mediocrity. With the students he shares deep Hermetic and Esoteric teachings, the practice of true Alchemy and Kabbalah, and the mastery of Salomonic and Enochian magick, among many other esoteric and sacred mysteries.
He will always promote living a life of pure magick and mysticism, embracing the royalty of the divine self within, and, above all, finding JOY in life by coming to Know Thyself. You will find Gudni putting this into practice by not only being a great teacher, story weaver and reminder to many, but also by creating art, writing poetry, making music, producing movies and enjoying life to the fullest.
Contact Us
Modern Mystery School 41 International Blvd Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3
1-877-275-1383 (Toll free)
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