
As we begin to emerge from the depths of winter, the light of the Virgo Full Moon shines upon us. This grounding, discerning and nourishing energy is here to get our heads and hearts in alignment and help us find the answers we need to the mysteries that are at work in our lives.

The energy of this Virgo Full Moon is one that helps us to look deep within to find truth and a higher way of living. If intelligence, clarity or infusion of your own inner knowledge is what you need, then you can do no better than to join the MMS Wicca Coven Community for an evening of ceremony. This is the time to honour that divine being you are and to reveal that knowledge hidden within!

We sincerely hope that you join us as we each seek out the source of our own inner light and embody it to a fuller degree!

Monday, February 22nd 2016

8:00pm to 10:00pm

Modern Mystery School HQ
41 International Blvd, Etobicoke

Energy Exchange: $25.00

** Please send us an email to let us know you will be attending so that we can look forward to your presence in ceremony! You may reach us at info@modernmysteryschoolint.com