DATE: Monday, December 28th, 2020

START TIME: 7:00 pm

The Full Moon is a time when the moonlight is the strongest, illuminating the night.  The magnetic power of the full moon moves the waters of the greatest ocean.  Consisting of mostly water ourselves, the power of the moon impacts us as humans, as well.

We celebrate the moon to cultivate this power and direct it towards manifesting our desires.

The MMS Toronto Coven is hosting monthly online full moon meditations to create opportunities to still honour the moon during these interesting times.  

While we are adapting to the changes of the world at its current state, we can still continue our spiritual practice while staying home.  You can stay connected and grow your inner light during these winter months by taking time to celebrate the Full Moon. During the online meditation journey, we will be working with this month’s theme using a guided visualization.  Join us on Monday, December 28th at 7 p.m. to recharge your personal energy, renew your inspiration, and clarify your vision for 2021.

PRE-REQUISITES: Open to the Public




In order to reserve your spot, please send a PayPal payment to no later than Monday, December 28th at 5 p.m.  Please make sure to include your email in the notes so that you can receive the invitation via Zoom.

*Please note your deposit is non-refundable/
non-transferable for any reason (outside of government intervention due to Covid-19 regulation changes and updates.)


PHONE: 416-625-3470

TOLL-FREE: 1 (877) 275-1383 (in North America)

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Check out our protocol!