Become the true healer you know you are! Changing the world starts one person at a time, if you had the chance to change someone???s life, would you?
Held at Modern Mystery School in Toronto, Ontario
In the Healers Academy, you will learn:
- how to activate and awaken other???s life purpose!
- amazing healing techniques that have worked and been used by healers for 3000 years!
- about various human energy systems and how they work!
- how Light can heal and transform people!
- how you can make a difference in the world!
The Modern Mystery School Healers Academy offers you the tools, skills and techniques to launch your own spiritual business or increase your existing practice! The Healers Academy begins your incredible personal journey of healing yourself so that you can in turn heal others. Join the THOUSANDS of Healers working right now to light up the planet and heal the world, one person at a time! Don???t let this opportunity pass you by??? the time to change the world is here??? the time to change your life is NOW!
For more about the requirements and investment, click here.