Julia Tiffin

I am a creative, and I’ve been able to explore many aspects of my gifts and multi-dimensional nature because of the tools of the Modern Mystery School. The main focus of my life is on the progression of individuals’ growth and self-discovery through these ancient tools, but through the expansion of my capacity, I am able to run other creative projects concurrently to bring my gifts to the world.
Education is a key passion of mine, and I am driven to assist others in the best application (or education) of the mind to achieve your best life. It is a core driving principle in me that “All is Mind, the Universe is Mental”. This is the first of the Hermetic Principles, a framework for the human mind. I have been involved in education all of my life, being in charge of teaching English & Maths to kids in lower grades when I was only a child, to teaching pinhole photography in prisons, to lecturing Fine Art at University. I believe in the importance of developing whole brain thinking, developing lateral and creative thinking and encouraging people to ask the right questions. The teachings of the Modern Mystery School create a foundation in our life that opens the mind in ways that the education system has failed to do.
Teaching, learning, creativity, curiosity, kindness and humour are key words for me … and I am excited by new possibilities and living with passion and enjoying all the fruits from the Tree of Life.
People have described me as an Alchemist & Magician as I live and breathe changing one state into another, constantly shifting experiences to produce the best outcome.
It is important to me that people know they have a safe haven when they work with me. But I am also clear minded and firm in a positive way. I have empathy for the journeys people have walked, and I endeavour to be a person who can lead people onto a better path that they can walk on for the rest of their lives!
Contact Us
Modern Mystery School 41 International Blvd Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3
1-877-275-1383 (Toll free)
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