DATE: Sunday, October 2nd, 2022



Over three millennia ago, King Salomon gathered together healers, shamans, medicine people and leaders from all around the world. His vision was to bring together all of the tools and teachings of all the cultures to support humanity as a whole towards world peace.

There are important modalities and initiations that come through this lineage, such as Life Activation or the Empower Thyself Initiation, and these keys to peace, healing, and joy have surpassed the test of time.

These keys to joy are needed more than ever before and you have the opportunity to receive those keys in the afternoon workshop Keys to Living In Joy. The mission of this lineage has and always will be a mission of world peace. As you bring more joy into your life, we collectively contribute to world peace as a whole.

PRE-REQUISITES: None ~ Open to the public


DEPOSIT: $50.00

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, September 30, 2022

Visit this link to register for this event!