Explore your inner-most self….

Express the passion of your soul…

Awaken your life’s mission and activate your potential .

KNOW THYSELF: Your second step initiation on the path of Advanced Spiritual Training

November 4th to 6th 2014

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This workshop is 3 days of intensive introspection, going deep within yourself to find the true answers to life long questions. Go beneath the surface of your awareness to discover who you are, who you will become, what you choose to do with this life before you!

During this program you will be guided to explore various facets of your belief system, thought processes, judgements, behaviours and perceived realities. You will have the opportunity to lift the mask of personality and connect to your true individuality and your spiritual self. By delving into the deep pools of your being, your true essence is revealed. Your personal mission becomes clear and the path opens before you.

You will be intimately introduced to 3 Masters of Light, whose teachings and power hold special keys for your progression and your mission. Through meditation, reflection and self-expression, you will be exposed to the energetic tools and teachings that will greatly assist you in coming to know yourself better and further your personal journey of spiritual progression. The focus is on knowing yourself from within so that you can fully actualize your life purpose.

The Know Thyself Program and Initiation is also the gateway to higher teachings and initiations of service in the Modern Mystery School tradition.

Pre-requisite: Empower Thyself Program & Initiation

Early-registration discount: $800

Audit: $500

Place your $250 deposit by October 3rd, 2014 to receive the early bird discount

Book after October 3rd, 2014 and the class is full cost: $1000

TAN discount applies! Audits are welcome!

Please contact MMS Canadian HQ to register:

email info@mmscanadianhq.com or call 416-625-3470