Laura Persichetti
Toronto, Canada
Empower Thyself Initiation: September 2014

“If you are looking for a sign, this is it”
Once upon a time I was teaching yoga and meditation at a retreat in Colorado. A woman I met at a prior retreat said she learned a new energy modality and suggested I try it. I agreed thinking I would support her new modality. I had no idea that the energy session was going to support me. It was the Life Activation.
Months passed and I never gave it a second thought. If someone asked me how the Life Activation changed my life, I wouldn’t have noticed a difference.
I reconnected with that dear friend three months later when I was in New York City filming a documentary. Since seeing her last, I quit my job to focus on my passion project, packed up my life and was on the road filming, ‘The Good Deeds Project,’ a documentary and suicide prevention program designed to bring awareness to the power of kindness.
“Nothing changed since my Life Activation!!!”
I mentioned to her that I was in New York for a few extra days and felt like I needed an energy session. I asked if she would suggest anyone. She said, “Yes, you should meet my guide, Yoko.”
The next day, I was lost in New York City, attempting to go to a session with Yoko. I was late, and my phone wasn’t working in the city. When I arrived at the building, I took an elevator up to the floor. I could smell incense, and that’s when I met Yoko.
She brought me into a room with high ceilings and a single chair in the centre. I sat down and closed my eyes. When I opened them, I felt completely different. She said to me, “Laura, you need to be initiated into the Lineage of King Salomon.”
I replied, “I don’t even know what that means!”
“I’m going to be doing initiations at the end of the month and you need to be there.”
I started telling her all the reasons why I couldn’t be there.
She mentioned that the date of the initiation was on September 29th. My birthday.
There was something to that. You know how life leaves cookie crumbs for you to find along your journey? Little signs along the way to get your attention. That was my crumb.
I travelled to film more for the project, and at the end of the month, I found myself in Empower Thyself. Within five minutes of taking the class, I had tears in my eyes. I knew I was where I was meant to be.
I met my best friend in that class, and she has been ever since!
While sitting in Empower Thyself, I knew I needed to do Ritual Master. When I told Yoko, she said I needed to do Healers Academy first. I said I didn’t want to do Healers Academy. I had already been doing energy healing and didn’t want a new modality. She said it was a prerequisite. I was annoyed.
It turned out that Healers Academy had its own prerequisites, and before I knew it, I was taking those and going to Healers, reluctantly.
Looking back, I wish I appreciated those classes more at that time, rather than just seeing them as stepping stones, or obstacles to what I wanted! Hindsight…
Little did I know, when I “supported my friend’s new healing modality” that I too, would be doing Life Activations, or better yet, teaching others to do them! Little did I know that I would be teaching others Empower Thyself and sharing these tools with dozens and dozens of others.
Little did I know that these tools were going to be the very things that helped me get clearer on my purpose in life and strengthen the focus and discipline to create it. Since, I have been able to operate with a clearer mind and deeper awareness of my energy structure. I have been able to manifest new businesses, projects, relationships, better health, and deeper connection to myself. I use the tools I received in Empower Thyself every single day and enjoy the fruits of that in joy. I live in dreams I once had. I never forget how I got there.
Yoko has been such an incredible Guide to me, and still is. She is a mentor, a friend, and a gift to me. She listens to my mind ramble, but she speaks to my soul. Every time, I leave grateful. I wouldn’t be where I am on the path without Yoko.
But it takes a village! I have been blessed with many mentors on this journey, often saying exactly what I need to hear at exactly the right time.
The first time I walked into the Headquarters in Toronto to take one of my prerequisite classes, Sacred Geometry Level 1, I met Christina Lozano. I felt like I knew her already. Little did I know the significant impact she would consistently have on my journey.
My Ritual Master Teacher, Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon has left me to ponder many things. Often I wish he was wrong about things. Yet when I’m humble enough and patient enough, I usually come to my own experience. He turns out to be right.
Along the way, Divina Franca Lanyon has played a special role in teaching me powerful lessons as well. Working out of the centre has been a gift for me and so has her mentorship.
To be honest, as I think of these people, and the many others who have become teachers or friends along the way… I’m just so grateful. To share all the cookie crumbs to my journey would be a book to write!
Of course, the path is available to each of us. However, it’s always the inner guidance along the way to listen to. It’s not always an easy journey, but I always smile and find deep comfort to know there are thousands of people around the world who share the vision of the Mystery School Mission: World Peace. For that, I am eternally grateful.
If on the fence know this, there is nothing you can read, nothing someone can say. It’s something that finds you and whispers in the breeze that brushes by. It’s a call; one that only you can answer. Give yourself the gift of your own experience. Little do you know, this just might be one of your cookie crumbs. If you are looking for a sign, this is it. Blessings to your journey,
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