DATE: Sunday, January 30th, 2022

START TIME: 1:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)

END TIME: 2:30 p.m.

What is Jupiter up to in 2022?

Zig-zagging his way through the heavens, Jupiter is reminding us that hope and optimism are on the horizon and it’s much needed for all the weary souls out there in the world!

Fatigue, monotony, drama, conflict, and polarization – words that sum up the experience of 2021 (if we strictly adhere to the media’s view of the world). The world is crying out for life again and more importantly – it’s crying out for joy!

In 2022, it’s time to detach from the collective experience and rediscover love, joy, and wonder in your personal life! Bring light and magick back to your heart and relationships!

If you’re ready to hear about all the magickal energies that can help you create a beautiful life, join Aleksandra for the 2022 Astrological Forecast! This isn’t just any astrological forecast; you can look forward to:

·        Insight into the global energies and themes for the year

·        A heads-up to get ahead of retrograde periods and eclipses

·        Deeper understanding of the astrological energies and their spiritual effect

·        Best practices for the year and how to personally make the most of it

Led by Aleksandra Ceho, Astrologer, Guide and Teacher with the Modern Mystery School, this glimpse will shed light on what you need to know about 2022 to create greater success and harmony in your life!

Make sure to sign up so you can ride the wave of positivity into 2022!

Click here to register!

(Don’t worry, the recording will be available if you can’t make it in person!)

P.S. As a thank you for joining the Zoom Forecast, you can receive a $50 discount on a personalized Astrology Forecast if you book by January 31st, 2022!

PRE-REQUISITES: Open to the Public!