Date: Friday, March 21st, 2025

Doors open: 7:00 pm
Ceremony begins promptly at: 7:30 p.m.
End time: 9:30 p.m.

Location: Modern Mystery School HQ
41 International Blvd, Toronto, ON

The Wheel of the Year has once again made its way through the power of Winter and we emerge once again into the joyful season of growth – Spring! The Spring Equinox marks the day where the Light surges back to power and we witness the balance of day and night.

From this time forward, we know that the Light shall only continue to wax and make the days brighter; but on this sacred day, we pay homage to that balance and celebrate the hints of what is yet to come. This sacred day is also known as Ostara, named for the goddess of spring who emerges at this time to restore nature from her slumber and stimulates the growth and abundance of all the gifts that the earth has to offer.

While we prepare for the coming cold months, we do so knowing that the light is returning to strength and that we will eventually emerge into the spring once again. As the MMS Wicca Coven Community celebrates this sacred time of hope and renewal, we do so with all the things that bring warmth; food, fire and good company! In the spirit of warmth, we invite you to join us for an evening of ceremony and celebration to keep those inner fires warmThis is an auspicious time for growth and renewal! If you’re feeling that need for rebirth and renewal, the MMS Wicca Coven Community welcomes you to join us in the spirit of the new season as we honour Ostara, the fresh arrival of spring and the magick of growth! and well-tended!

Initiates and their friends and family are welcome to join the MMS Wicca Coven Community
as we connect to energy of HOPE as we celebrate the return of the Sun’s Light!


Empower Thyself / Adept Initiation
Initiates are welcome to invite friends and family! Please register in  advance. 

Energy Exchange:

$35 CAD
Includes all taxes and fees.

Pay at the door with cash, debit or credit.

All money received from the energy-exchange for ceremony will go
toward our charitable contribution efforts and
the Team Light 3rd Annual Charity Run on April 5th!

Please RSVP BY:

Thursday,  March 20th at 12 noon

Seating is limited and magickal items must be prepared ahead of time,
so advanced registration is very important to us. Thank you!


PHONE: 416-625-3470

TOLL-FREE: 1 (877) 275-1383 (in North America)