Resources for Life Activation Practitioners
To assist you with quick access to some resources and how-to steps, you may with to bookmark this page for a quick reference!
How to access the student database
Go to
If you have never accessed your student profile before, you will need your student number and click “forgot password.”
Once in your student profile, you can change your contact information and mailing address. You can also change your “display name” as well as contact details which is what shows up on the Certified Professionals List.
All Certified Practitioners are listed on the Certified Professional Lists.
From your dashboard, you can also order products, such as spagyric, holy water, sage spray, etc, through the “Product Order Form” button and fill out the form.
How to Order Flyers
Official Modern Mystery School flyers are available for you. The bottom right corner will be BLANK so you can add your contact information as needed and be updated if your details change.
Upon purchasing these flyers, you will receive the PDF which you are then able to add your contact details and print off as many as you like for your personal use!
- 1 flier = $30
- 2-5 fliers = $25 each
- 6-8 fliers = $20 each
- 9+ fliers = $18 each
(plus tax)
To order and pay for the flyers , please go to the Product Order Form on your student profile of the MMS database and go to “the other items” section and insert what are ordering and the cost.
Click on the images to the right for flier details and ordering –>
NOTE: If you require us to customize it with your personal information it will be an additional $100 fee. For customizations, please contact Christina Mars
Disclaimer and Informed Consent Forms for Practitioners
Mental Health Disclaimer
We have talked about the value of having some kind of mental health disclaimer in your intake forms. You are welcome to use this sample form or integrate this wording into your own client intake form.
Client Intake
Modern Mystery School Online
Between the official MMS website and MMS’ social media, there are great resources and information available to you… check it out!
On the official Modern Mystery School website, you will find lots of information about the path, the calendar of events, articles, and testimonials, and so much more!
If you like to submit your own testimonial for the website, you can do so here. We would love to hear your story of transformation and growth!
Social Media
- MMS official Facebook page:
- MMS official Instagram: @modernmysteryschoolint
- Dave Lanyon official Facebook page:
- Dave Lanyon official Instagram: @thedavelanyon
- MMS INT YouTube:
- MMS UK Youtube:
community standards
Being an international organization, with members and participants all over the world, using social media is a great way to keep in touch and spread the Light. Whether we are online or in person, as practitioners and an organization, we hold ourselves to a set of Ethics, Standards and Practices to respect all and ourselves.
Frequently Asked Questions
There’s always a great deal of frequently asked questions that initiates will have. Whether you are searching for these answers yourself, or you are wanting to help guide your own clients, we have some resources that can support you to do that. We have an FAQ page, videos with questions and common beliefs, and other articles that may help to answer some questions.
Your Own Web Presence as a Certified MMS Practitioner
We have many people ask how they can promote themselves and the services they have learned through the MMS! We have a few quick notes, recommendations and parameters for Life Activation Practitioners, Healers and Teachers (Guides have a slightly different parameter). If you are promoting yourself online, whether a website or on a social media platform, we invite you to refer to yourself as certified by the MMS and link back to the MMS website or social media pages (see above).
Recommendations for verbiage for your website/social media platforms:
For your ease and convenience, here is some verbiage and respective links back to the MMS official website for you to add to your own websites. You might also desire to use this verbiage as a signature on your emails, as another idea!
I was trained as a Life Activation Practitioner at the Modern Mystery School‘s Healers Academy in <<insert month and year>>.
As a professional, I am committed to excellence and quality of the service I provide. My certification is obtained through the Modern Mystery School and is maintained annually. You can see my name on their international website that lists Certified Professional Practitioners around the world.
If you have a website and would like to use the MMS logo to officially mark your certification and affiliation. There is a process for review for this and certain criteria would have to be met.
The Certified MMS LAP / Healer / Teacher would:
- Be in full compliance with the MMS Code of Ethics
- Have their own website
- Have their MMS certification clearly indicated an referenced on that website
- Have a direct and clearly indicated link back to the Modern Mystery School International official website.
- Have the lineage clearly referenced (for instance, in your “About” section or bio).
You are not required to only offer lineage modalities, however, we ask that anything else you promote that you do is not in contradiction to the lineage. For instance, an accredited massage therapy or Reiki is very common and appropriate.
If these requirements are met, your request to use the logo will be reviewed. Please contact Christina Mars to have your website reviewed for the above alignment. She will then guide you to the next steps.
Contact us!
As always, MMS International Administration can be contacted in the following ways:
PHONE: 416-625-3470
TOLL-FREE: 1 (877) 275-1383 (in North America)
MMS INT HQ Admin directory

Ipsissimus Kathleen Lanyon, Vice-President of Administration
- Program Registration
- Database management
- Executive officer of all administration
- Management and Organization MMS HQ
- MMS INT Facilitation Team Director
- In charge of HQ facilitation, team directives and coordination for all INT classes.
- Adept Forms and Fees & INT Class SAFs and Fees
- Apprentice Guide Monitoring Assignments
- Charitable Contributions Co-ordinator

Christina Mars, Vice-President of Communications
- Internal Communications within MMS (emails)
- Director of External Communications (Public Relations, Media, Marketing)
- MMS Website management
- MMS’ social media content, presence and standards
- LIFE – Modern Mystery School Documentary Series
- Policy Management & Meetings
- Requests to facilitate INT Class in local areas (final approval by Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave)
- Contracts, NDAs and all other signed agreements with students

Sylwester Organka, Administrative Specialist
- Database and Administrative assistance
- Warriors of Light Co-ordinator
- Ensofic Ray Administrator
- MMS INT Facilitation Team Member

Peter Lozano, Product and Inventory Processor
- Product Order fulfillment
- Shipping Commander
- Audio/Visuals Co-ordinator
- MMS INT Facilitation Team Member

Christina Becerra, Executive Assistant to Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon
- Manager of the Ritual Master & Guide Application process
- Apprentice Guide Reports
- MMS INT Facilitation Team Member
Contact Us
Modern Mystery School 41 International Blvd Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3
1-877-275-1383 (Toll free)
Find a Certified Practitioner or Teacher
Certified Professional Guide
Certified Professional Life Activation Practitioner
Certified Professional Healer
Certified Professional Teacher
Certified to teach Max Meditation™
Certified to teach Sacred Geometry 1
Certified to teach Astral Travel
Certified to teach Journeys of the Spirit
Certified to teach Kabbalah
Full list of all certified professional practitioners, healers and teachers