If you are intrigued by the Modern Mystery School and its tools and teachings, the best place to start is to connect with one of our Certified Practitioners, Teachers, or Guides.
The session is offered by Certified Life Activation Practitioners and a core component on the path of self mastery, reawakening your innate gifts for use in the world. There are subsequent sessions, such as the Full Spirit Activation, that will further empower and inspire your being. Visit the Activate & Expand page for more information.

Life Activation
The Life Activation is a one-on-one session that connects you to your Light and Purpose.
The session is offered by Certified Life Activation Practitioners and a core component on the path of self mastery, reawakening your innate gifts for use in the world. There are subsequent sessions, such as the Full Spirit Activation, that will further empower and inspire your being. Visit the Activate & Expand page for more information.
The first step along the path of initiation, known as Empower Thyself, intiates you to be an Adept in the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light in the ancient mystery school tradition, starting the process of Know Thyself. In Empower Thyself, you receive the knowledge and tools that you need to maintain the integrity of your energy field, and to influence your external environment positively. Visit the Initiate & Begin page for more information.


When you’ve received the Light, it is natural to want to share it with others.
The second step initiation, known as Healers Academy, imparts knowledge of the Light, empowering you to become a Life Activation Practitioner. After this five-day intensive program, you can continue on your journey to advanced healing practices and other Hermetic teachings become available. Visit the Heal & Inspire page for more information.
The arts of discernment, protection and magick are important elements to service.
The Ritual Master trainings and initiations equip the initiate with the knowlege and energetic connection to be a force of Light in the world. The Ritual Master path is considered one of the most difficult paths to walk as it requires commitment, discipline and the humility needed to overcome ego. Visit the Forge & Fortify page for more information.


As you purge yourself of your negative ego, its easier to love others.
The desire to share the Light increases, and service to others and God becomes your North Star. For those who are called to make Lightwork their vocation, they may consider taking the steps toward becoming a Guide where you can then in turn, initiate Adepts into the lineage of King Salomon and bring about the continuity of Light. Visit the Teach & Lead page for more information.
The expanse of the universe is boundless and there is so much to learn in the arts and sciences of Hermeticism and Esotericism.
The Modern Mystery School has Master Teachers who are the authorities in these magickal and metaphysical studies. The path of initiation empowers your capacity for Light, and allows you access to these areas of study, and more, to enhance your journey to Know Thyself, and expand your purpose in service to others. Visit the Learn & Grow page for more information.


If you are intrigued by the Modern Mystery School and its tools and teachings, the best place to start is to connect with one of our Certified Practitioners, Teachers, or Guides.
We recommend consulting with one of our Certified Practitioners, Teachers, or Guides if the mystery school tradition is the right fit for you, and if you choose, they can get you started on your first steps along the path. You are welcome to start with meditations, workshops, or other healings, or the Life Activation session, which is a very common first step for those embarking on a spiritual journey.

Life Activation
The Life Activation is a one-on-one session that connects you to your Light and Purpose.
The session is offered by Certified Life Activation Practitioners and a core component on the path of self mastery, reawakening your innate gifts for use in the world. There are subsequent sessions, such as the Full Spirit Activation, that will further empower and inspire your being. Visit the Activate & Expand page for more information.

Empower Thyself
The first step along the path of initiation, known as Empower Thyself, intiates you to be an Adept in the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light in the ancient mystery school tradition, starting the process of Know Thyself. In Empower Thyself, you receive the knowledge and tools that you need to maintain the integrity of your energy field, and to influence your external environment positively.
Visit the Initiate & Begin page for more information.

Healers Academy
When you’ve received the Light, it is natural to want to share it with others.
The second step initiation, known as Healers Academy, imparts knowledge of the Light, empowering you to become a Life Activation Practitioner. After this five-day intensive program, you can continue on your journey to advanced healing practices and other Hermetic teachings become available.
Visit the Heal & Inspire page for more information.

Ritual Master
The arts of discernment, protection and magick are important elements to service.
The Ritual Master trainings and initiations equip the initiate with the knowlege and energetic connection to be a force of Light in the world. The Ritual Master path is considered one of the most difficult paths to walk as it requires commitment, discipline and the humility needed to overcome ego.
Visit the Forge & Fortify page for more information.

As you purge yourself of your negative ego, its easier to love others.
The desire to share the Light increases, and service to others and God becomes your North Star. For those who are called to make Lightwork their vocation, they may consider taking the steps toward becoming a Guide where you can then in turn, initiate Adepts into the lineage of King Salomon and bring about the continuity of Light.
Visit the Teach & Lead page for more information.

Further Along the Path
The expanse of the universe is boundless and there is so much to learn in the arts and sciences of Hermeticism and Esotericism.
The Modern Mystery School has Master Teachers who are the authorities in these magickal and metaphysical studies. The path of initiation empowers your capacity for Light, and allows you access to these areas of study, and more, to enhance your journey to Know Thyself, and expand your purpose in service to others.
Visit the Learn & Grow page for more information.
Contact Us
Modern Mystery School 41 International Blvd Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3
1-877-275-1383 (Toll free)
Find a Certified Practitioner or Teacher
Certified Professional Guide
Certified Professional Life Activation Practitioner
Certified Professional Healer
Certified Professional Teacher
Certified to teach Max Meditation™
Certified to teach Sacred Geometry 1
Certified to teach Astral Travel
Certified to teach Journeys of the Spirit
Certified to teach Kabbalah
Full list of all certified professional practitioners, healers and teachers