Class 1 Date: Sat., Sept. 6th and Sun., Sept. 7th, 2025

Time: 10:00 am

Location: Toronto, ON

The mystical practice of Kabbalah has a way of rising to prominence during periods of profound transformation in human history. As humanity stands at the threshold of a new era, with individuals and society collectively seeking to reimagine and reshape their lives, Kabbalah emerges as a perfect guide for this moment of renewal.

man standing on cliff over water with tree of live overlaid over him

Kabbalah invites us on a deep exploration of the self. It is often called the study of life—not only the life of the cosmos and the grand design of creation but also the intricate tapestry of your own life and the reality you shape.

Rooted in the ancient tradition of mystery schools, the wisdom of Kabbalah is encapsulated in a sacred glyph known as the Tree of Life. By engaging with this symbol, we elevate our understanding of life and expand our consciousness. Through the Modern Mystery School, a transformative 12-month journey known as the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah awaits. Led by a skilled Kabbalah Instructor, this journey offers profound self-reflection, examining your thoughts, emotions, actions, and patterns as you ascend the Tree of Life, drawing closer to the divine within and to God.

The Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah is far more than a study of mystical knowledge; it is an experiential path of spiritual ascension and alchemical transformation. This journey has the power to profoundly and permanently change your life.


The Ascension Journey is approximately 10-12 months long and typically takes place once every one to two years, with class sizes ranging from 25 to 40 participants. Before embarking on the Kabbalah journey toward advanced self-mastery, there are a couple of essential prerequisite steps. At a minimum, you need to be an Adept Initiate, initiated through the Empower Thyself program to qualify for the Kabbalah Ascension Program. Certified Life Activation Practitioners receive a special price on the investment of the program. 

These four in-person classes as well as 11 online study groups make up the whole of the Ascension Journey.  The four in-person classes are required for completion of the entire journey and to become a Kabbalists in the Modern Mystery School tradition. 

The first three classes are held at Modern Mystery School Headquarters in Toronto, while the fourth and final class is a retreat weekend away in nature, approximately 2-3 hours outside of the Greater Toronto Area.  Each of the class costs are the same, with the exception of the final retreat weekend at class 4. The accommodations and meals for this weekend will be an additional cost and be indicated later along the journey. 

Class 1

Sat., September 6th and
Sun., September 7th, 2025 

 Ascension into Malkuth

Class 2

Sat., December 13th, 2025

Ascension into Yesod, Hod, Netzach and Tiphareth


Class 3

Sat., March 21st, 2026

Ascension into Geburah
and Chesed



Class 4 Retreat

September TBC, 2026

Final Retreat Weekend and Ascension to Binah, Chokmah and Kether


 In the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Ascension Program, Study Groups are an integral part of the full experience and journey, as half the teachings are provided through the Study Groups.

The 11  Study Groups are included in your class tuition and will take place between ascension classes, approximately 4 weeks a part.

The Study Groups are  where the key knowledge the Holy Sephiroth will be revealed, along with contemplations and integration exercises to get the most out of your journey.

The Study Groups are available on Zoom and are strongly recommended to attend, (unlike the in-person classes which are required to attend to official complete the journey). 

Study Groups will be on Monday evenings, on the dates listed.

Each study group is 3 hours: from 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. EST. 

Malkuth September 29th, 2025

Yesod – October 27th, 2025

Hod -January 5th, 2026 

Netzach – January 26th, 2026

Tiphareth – February 16th or 23th, 2026 TBC

Geburah – March 9th, 2026

Chesed – April, 2026 TBC

Daath – June 2026 TBC

Binah – July, 2026 TBC

Chokmah – August, 2026 TBC

Kether – August/September, 2026


Empower Thyself


Adept Initiate


~ In-person attendance at each of the four Kabbalah Classes listed above is required for completion and progression to the subsequent class.
~ The Study Groups on Zoom are an integral part of this journey, and highly recommend to make attending all of them a priority. Make-ups may not be possible and the student may be missing knowledge and essential integration of the energies of the Tree. 


If you are an existing Kabbalist (meaning you have already completed a full Kabbalah Ascension with the Modern Mystery School, you may desire to audit. Since space is limited and there is the next level of Kabbalah for Kabbalists available, Kabbalists can request to audit and will be taken under consideration. There is no price difference for audits. 

If you are interested in auditing, please fill out this Audit Request Form.


The investment is the same rate for each of the classes 1 through 4. There will be an additional expense for the final retreat. 
Registrants will be notified with that amount as soon as the cost is confirmed. 

Class 1

Sat., September 6th and
Sun., September 7th, 2025

$1513.07 USD/$2042.64 CAD

$931.12 USD / $1257.01 CAD

Class 2

Sat., December 13th, 2025

$1513.07 USD/$2042.64 CAD

$931.12 USD / $1257.01 CAD


Class 3

Sat., March 21st, 2026

$1513.07 USD/$2042.64 CAD

$931.12 USD / $1257.01 CAD



Class 4 Retreat

September TBC 2026

$1513.07 USD/$2042.64 CAD

$931.12 USD / $1257.01 CAD


ADEPT Initiates, Are you interested in ATTENDING HEALERS ACADEMY 1
or already planning to attend in the coming months? 

Students who have yet to go to Healers Academy, and would like to do so while also in Kabbalah, have the opportunity to enroll for Healers at the lowest price (the first tier rate)! As a registrant/student of Kabbalah, the opportunity for savings is applied if you pay in full for your Healers Academy 1 — you will receive huge savings on your Healers Academy tuition, plus, you would receive the Certified Life Activation Practitioner pricing for the Kabbalah class! 

This opportunity would apply to the two Healers Academy 1 classes that are
currently scheduled for London in March and Toronto in May. (It will also apply to the Healers Academy in November 2025  in Toronto once those dates are announced!)

Deposit FOR CLASS 1:

$500 USD / $675 CAD

*Please note your deposit is non-refundable/ non-transferable for any reason. 

Booking Cut-off Date FOR CLASS 1:

August 1st, 2025

Full Balance Payment Due CLASS 1:

August 29th, 2025

A late fee of $174.59 USD (inclusive of taxes and fees) is applied to payments received made after the above deadlines.

Advanced registration is required. Please contact Modern Mystery School Administration to place your deposit.


PHONE: 416-625-3470

TOLL-FREE: 1 (877) 275-1383 (in North America)

Contact Us

Modern Mystery School 41 International Blvd Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3


1-877-275-1383 (Toll free)



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Of Light