DATE: Friday, October 15th, 2021

START TIME: 6 p.m.

END TIME: 10 p.m.

The Mystery School tradition has always acknowledged and worked with the 11 other races of magickal beings that share this planet with humans.

These beings, known as the Elves, Fairies, Mer, Gypsies and many others, once lived in harmony with humans until it was necessary to hide for their survival. The time has come again to reveal this sacred knowledge of our Elemental Brothers and Sisters and to share their purpose and power with all those who are called.

You are invited to learn more about who these races are, their part in the evolution of humanity and how we can re-build harmonious and empowering relationships between all 12 Races of Earth.

Modern Mystery School will do absolutely everything to ensure that this program can be run safely and effectively through the Covid-19 pandemic, however we acknowledge that scheduling changes may occur that are out of our control, such as updates to Covid-19 mandates by local, provincial or federal governments.  Should any changes take place due to updates from any government, we will notify you immediately.

In accordance with current Ontario laws, proof of vaccination is required to attend any indoor event, meeting space or conference centre. This is indicated on the Government of Ontario website.  In addition for those traveling into Canada: Canada only allows for international travellers who have received the full dose of any vaccine recognized by Health Canada.

We strongly recommend booking a refundable or transferrable plane ticket in the event that shifting laws and public health requirements beyond our control no longer make this program possible. As an empowered individual, we leave it to you to make the best choice for your travel arrangements.

~ Fully vaccinated from Covid-19 (Proof of vaccination is currently required for all indoor events/meetings by Ontario government and public health mandates. Due to this provincial law as indicated on the Government of Ontario website, we are unable to host you if you are not vaccinated at this time.)


INVESTMENT: $180 plus tax

DEPOSIT$50 plus tax

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Monday, October 11th, 2021


*Please note your deposit is non-refundable/
non-transferable for any reason (outside of government intervention due to Covid-19 regulation changes and updates.)

Advanced registration is required. Please contact Modern Mystery School International Administration to make your payment.

Click here download the payment authorization form for registration payments!


PHONE: 416-625-3470

TOLL-FREE: 1 (877) 275-1383 (in North America)

Did you know that Modern Mystery School is taking extra care during the Covid-19 Pandemic? 
Check out our protocol!