Level 2 Alchemy Training

Practical Alchemy & Herbal Tinctures

Practical Alchemy, or Lab Alchemy, has been used to create potent, holistic healing tinctures that address the WHOLE person and can produce amazing results. It involves the physical application of alchemical principles to material substances from Nature, such as plants, herbs, and minerals.  It is from this branch of Alchemy that all modern pharmacology, chemistry, physics and many other branches of science, both allopathic and naturopathic arose.

Beyond creating healing tinctures, however, the alchemists used this process of Practical Alchemy as a way of eliciting and invoking the transformations within oneself to purify, to heal, to increase energy and chi, to stimulate spiritual vision, and to learn to harness the forces of Nature.

In this level 2 training of the Alchemy Series, we will be preparing our body, mind, and soul for the Alchemical Works and begin the process of making alchemical tinctures:

  • Practical Alchemy as a Catalyst for Personal Inner Alchemy
  • The Consciousness of the Alchemist
  • The Synergy of Alchemical Remedies
  • The role of Astrology and Lunar Phases in the Alchemical works
  • Creating an at-home Alchemy lab setup (aka Kitchen Alchemy)
  • How to apply the alchemical process in the laboratory


Format: 2-day hands-on workshop that is the second level of a series of Alchemy trainings in the MMS.

Pre-requisite: ???Power of Alchemy??? Level 1 Workshop

Cost: $645 (early registration discount of $100 off available with deposit by Oct 7th)

Bio for Theresa Ibis, Ph.D.

Theresa IbisDr. Theresa Ibis is a Ph.D. in Physics as well as a Master Teacher with the Modern Mystery School.  She specializes in the areas of Alchemy, Sacred Geometry, and the Universal Kabbalah. Dr. Ibis is also the co-founder of the Universal Kabbalah Network (www.UniversalKabbalah.net), a group that seeks to remind people of their true nature and help them reclaim their birthright to a life filled with abundance, balance, purpose, joy, and alignment with Spirit and Nature. Currently, she travels internationally, working to bridge the worlds of esoteric study and cutting edge scientific technology in order to help people improve their quality of life and awaken their highest potential. Dr. Ibis??? work comes at a critical time in history as Quantum Physics now aligns with much of what has traditionally been considered Spiritual Mysticism.


Price: $645.00

(TAN Applies)