The Ancient Egyptians held a powerful magick, and those secrets have always been kept sacred by the Mystery School tradition. The Egyptian High Priest & Priestess council of Modern Mystery School are honoured to present open to the public and all initiates:

Ancient Egyptian Fire & Water Ceremony
Group healing and balancing of the Divine Feminine and Masculine


This is a unique experience, that has only been done once in Toronto in a closed setting for Ritual Master initiates only. It is now open to the public and all levels of initiates to attend and benefit from the healing energies of weaving the masculine and feminine forces contained within that temple space. By restoring the balance within ourselves we can restore the balance for all humanity.

If you feel called to contribute to the creation of the balance needed for the divine feminine and masculine to work in unity on this planet, please join us for this sacred healing and transformative event.



DATE: Thursday, June 30th

TIME: 7 p.m.

COST: $35 if you register in advance / $45 at the door

Modern Mystery School
41 International Blvd
Etobicoke, ON
M9W 6H3


Please register your attendance to the Modern Mystery School

PHONE: 416-625-3470


Modern Mystery School