Chapter 5: Beyond the Surface
In a world captivated by what is on the surface, it takes courage to go beyond. When life is already good and satisfying, where is there left to go?
We explore these depths in Chapter 5 as we follow the stories of two initiates, Casey Lepper journeying from the depths of subconscious exploration in a psychotherapy setting, and Zuyapa Jackson stepping off the fashion runway to pursue consciousness and healing.
How the Journey with Axanar Began
“People have asked me, is this a dream come true? My answer is no. I would have had to believe I could dream it — I never in my wildest dreams believed it could be possible!” As a life-long Star Trek fan, Dave Lanyon, lineage holder for the Modern Mystery School, has gotten involved in a personal passion project, a fan-made studio production called Axanar. Many people are wondering why…. In this video, he explains the why and the how.
Introducing LIFE: The Modern Mystery School Documentary
We are very pleased to announce the launch of a very special project. This is project that Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave believed in so much that he pushed it to be created for the MMS: A collaboratively produced docu-series created with the purpose of sharing YOUR stories. The authentic and heartfelt stories of initiates in the lineage of King Salomon. Available NOW on
Lineage milestone: 7 goddesses initiated as Ipsissimus
The path of initiation may appear finite to some, but those who serve the Light know that the journey is infinite. Initiates step on the path, and some choose to walk it as far as they can, through the gateways of initiation along the way. There’s a select few initiates who have walked this path a long way. To those
Honour Nature, Honour Yourself
By observing the cycles of nature, you can gain a deep insight into your own life, how you flow your energy and the tides of change that are either affecting you or inspiring you.
Everyone has heard (and likely said) the old adage: “It must be a full moon” when they notice bizarre behaviour or an influx of emotional energy in others. Is there any truth to this saying? That is often under debate but our lineage tells us that, yes, where the sun, moon and stars are in relation to our planet does matter.
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Modern Mystery School 41 International Blvd Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3
1-877-275-1383 (Toll free)
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