Sale and Specialty Healings

  For People who have everything else, sale and specialty healings 1. Spirit Infusion, Ion Cleanse, Reiki – $1OO – 1.5 hr 2. Crystal Reading, Ion Cleanse, Massage – $15O – l.5 hr 3. Purpose of Life, RA Protection Healing, Laying of Hands...

Inviting all Adepts!

  You are welcome to join us for an informal meeting and exchanging of ideas, experiences and questions! We will be reviewing your Empower Thyself rituals and meditation, as well as answering any questions you might have. So feel free to bring your manuals and notes...

Guide Training

  Date:              October 3rd ??? 5th, 2009 Time:              10:00 am – ?   Event Description:   An incredibly affordable 3 day intensive program of training for Guides.  Any Guide wishing to increase their skills in teaching and knowledge of their work...

Enochian Sealing Session

Once in awhile we introduce something that has been ???carried out??? of the Holy Temples and is handed down to a select few initiates in order for the travelers on this path to be able to benefit from the High Priest and Priestess work without coming to the Temple...