12 Races of Earth – T.O.

12 Races of Earth – T.O.

DATE: Friday, September 25th START TIME: 6 p.m. END TIME: 10 p.m. The Mystery School tradition has always acknowledged and worked with the 11 other races of magickal beings that share this planet with humans. These beings, known as the Elves, Fairies, Mer, Gypsies and...
Empower Thyself – T.O.

Empower Thyself – T.O.

DATE: September 28-29th START TIME: 9:30 am END TIME: 5:30 pm Are you seeking true spirituality and connection to the divine? Are you sensitive to subtle energies and want to have more protection? Are you curious about the mysteries of the universe? Do you desire...
Ensofic Reiki TM: Practitioner Training – T.O.

Ensofic Reiki TM: Practitioner Training – T.O.

DATE: October 24-25th, 2020 START TIME: 10 a.m. Is being a practitioner in energy healing a path you wish to integrate into your life? Are you looking for a new healing modality to add to your toolbox? The Ensofic Ray healing is a powerful modality that helps to heal...
Mer Magick – M.N.

Mer Magick – M.N.

DATE: Saturday, September 12th, 2020 START TIME: 10 a.m. LOCATION: Minneapolis (Bloomington), Minnesota Mer Magick itself will help humans with their daily life specifically around opening their hearts, flowing more abundance, and living a passion-filled life.  The...
Dragon Magick – M.N.

Dragon Magick – M.N.

DATE: Friday, September 11th, 2020 START TIME: 10 a.m. LOCATION: Minneapolis (Bloomington), Minnesota Dragons are the most ancient beings on our planet and in fact, are the Wisdom Keepers for our Planet. Their magick, which is for everyday life, helps both the body...