Empower Thyself – T.O.

Empower Thyself – T.O.

There is much more beneath the surface of who you are…. You are an unwritten book, a mystery yet to be solved, a masterpiece waiting to be created. There is more to you than the world knows. Are you ready to reveal it? Empower Thyself – ancient spiritual tradition of...
Empower Thyself Initiation – T.O.

Empower Thyself Initiation – T.O.

  Are you seeking true spirituality and connection to the divine? Are you sensitive to subtle energies and want to have more protection? Are you curious about the mysteries of the universe? Do you desire to have more empowerment? Who are you as a divine being?...
Teachers Academy 1 – T.O.

Teachers Academy 1 – T.O.

DATE: May 15-19, 2023 START TIME: 10 a.m. LOCATION: Toronto, ON This Academy is designed to Teach 2nd step initiates how to teach and facilitate the energies around the following class: Sacred Geometry 1 Astral Travel 1 Spiritual Intuition Stress Rescue 7 Mystery...
Isis Healing Handing Down – T.O.

Isis Healing Handing Down – T.O.

DATE: November 10th, 2022 START TIME: 7 p.m. LOCATION:Toronto, ON REQUIRED LEVEL OF INITIATION: Certified Junior Guide INVESTMENT: Required to purchase a specific crystal from MMS INT for this healing. Otherwise, his healing is handed down free of charge to all Guides...
Winter Solstice Ceremony – T.O.

Winter Solstice Ceremony – T.O.

The Wheel of the Year is forever turning, marking cycles and changes with each passing day and season. At the time of the Winter Solstice, we gather to witness the rebirth of the Sun as the days once again begin to grow longer, bringing hope and renewal to our hearts....
Warriors of Light – T.O.

Warriors of Light – T.O.

Calling all Ritual Masters! The time has come again to deepen your connection to the warrior spirit and take your training to the next level… Warriors of Light is coming to Toronto this February 21-24, 2020. Things to Note: More than martial arts, WOL combines...