Max Meditation System – T.O.

Max Meditation System – T.O.

Are you looking for more peace of mind? Meditation can bring you peace from the chaos that’s in your mind. These cluttered thoughts are stopping you from living your best life. Join us for an experiential evening where you learn to create the time and space for peace...
Egyptian Magick Meditation – T.O.

Egyptian Magick Meditation – T.O.

Egyptian magick has been known to be one of the most powerful magicks in our world. The ancient Egyptians lived a extraordinary life: a life full of abundance, love, passion and great joy! This magick has been long held as a secret in the Mystery School tradition and...
Astral Travel – T.O.

Astral Travel – T.O.

Astral Travel is defined as the art or science of travelling outside of the body to obtain information. Whether you think that you’ve astral traveled before, or are simply ready to explore the universe and all that lies within it, the ability to consciously...
Journeys of the Spirit – T.O.

Journeys of the Spirit – T.O.

Have you ever wanted to connect in with realms you’ve only visited in your dreams? Are you craving that deeper connection to spirit? Are you ready to receive the wisdom of your Higher Self? All the wisdom you need to live a life of purpose can be found within you and...
Sacred Geometry 1 – T.O.

Sacred Geometry 1 – T.O.

Sacred Geometry is a wonderful series of teachings and tools that have been with us for thousands of years! From the mandalas of the eastern world, to the geometries of the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah to the Pythagorean Theorem we study in high school, the...
Astrology Forecast for 2018 – T.O.

Astrology Forecast for 2018 – T.O.

Here we are in 2018! Are you ready? Are you prepared? There are many wonderful astrological events taking place this year and as initiates, light-workers and magicians we have that wonderful capacity to work with these heavenly energies for manifestation, creation and...