Date Saturday December 4th, 2010
Location Toronto, Ontario
Time 10:00 am – 6 pm


Event Description  
In this class, we will explore the energy of Sigils, Magic Squares and Planetary Seals and how to add our own energy to these so they can work for us in our lives. In Enochian Magic we have worked with the Sigil of God???the AGLA–and one day, we will be taught how to make our own True Sigil. For now we work to prepare ourselves with understanding and experience for that coming day!
Required Level of Initiation Ritual Master
Prerequisites Enochian Magick Level 1-4
Costs** $175.00

To book please contact or call Toll Free 1 (877) 275-1383 (in North America)

* TAN Applies

** USD taken at par