In this class we spend a full day journeying through the dimensions connecting with our personal sanctuary, our Higher Self, Mother Gaia, the four elements and the inner divine feminine and masculine aspects of ourselves. These journeys are profound and deep, enabling us to connect with these aspects in a unique way.

This class is beyond “guided meditation” and takes astral traveling to a whole new level. It can awaken and increase your spiritual gifts and psychic perceptions while you experience channeling in a completely safe space.

This class is recommended for all levels of initiates and is useful in all areas of energy work and magick and your personal spiritual development.

If this resonates with you and you wish to attend, please confirm your attendance by Wednesday, May 8th.


Saturday, May 12, 2012
Class start time: 10:30 a.m.
Cost $250 (TAN discount applies)
Deposit $100 due by May 8th
Location: Modern Mystery School Canadian Headquarters

Email Christina to register or for more information: