The Modern Mystery School’s International Headquarters is located in Toronto, Canada, however there are many other national and regional centres that function as official headquarters. They will often hold specialty classes and initiation programs that support initiates on their path of progression. Learn more about these official Modern Mystery School headquarters below.

In the royal city of London, England, the headquarters of the UK & EU has a thriving community of initiates, led by Divina Kate Bartram Brown, hosting many programs in including Healers Academy, Ritual Master and Kabbalah, plus much, much more!
Visit the Modern Mystery School UK & EU website to learn more.

On the beautiful island of Florianopolis, Brazil, lives the South American headerquarters for the Modern Mystery School. A dedicated sisterhood and brotherhood, of initiates led by Divina Liza Rossi, are spreading the Light not only in Brazil, but in many other countries in South America, growing everyday!
Visit the Modern Mystery School Brazil as well as the Modern Mystery School South America website to learn more.

South Africa boasts two strong initiate communities, both in Johannesburg and Cape Town. In the diverse and every changing Johannesburg rests the South African headquarters led by Divina Rita van den Berg. The initiates here let nothing stop them from spreading the Light to the far reaches of the Southern Hemisphere!
Visit the Modern Mystery School South Africa website to learn more.

There has always had a passionate group of initiates representation in Ireland. Led by Divina Ann Donnelly, the Light continues to expand and reach the hearts and minds of the Irish people.
Visit the Modern Mystery School Ireland website to learn more.

The official International Headquarters of the MMS is in Toronto, Canada, there are many strongholds of initiate communities all across North America, including these official MMS Region Centres listed below. Visit their websites to learn more:
Modern Mystery School Boston
Modern Mystery School California
Modern Mystery School Minneapolis-St. Paul

The Modern Mystery School Headquarters in Japan is an affiliate of the Modern Mystery School International, but essentially is it’s own organization, as it’s structures and systems work uniquely than the Western World, serving specifically the Japanese people in Japan and other countries in the East including Korea.
Visit the Modern Mystery School South Japan website to learn more.
Contact Us
Modern Mystery School 41 International Blvd Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3
1-877-275-1383 (Toll free)
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