DATE: August 10th, 2017

START TIME: 10 a.m.


DESCRIPTION: Handing down of the classes Sacred Geometry 3 & 4 for Senior Guides to teach.

PRE-REQUISITES: Must be a certified Senior Guide, must be certified to teach Sacred Geometry 2, must have previously attended Sacred Geometry 3 & 4

INVESTMENT : $850 USD**/$1105 CAD**


DEPOSIT : $400 USD/ $520 CAD

AUDIT: $255 USD**/ $332 CAD**

It???s highly recommended for existing teachers of Sacred Geometry 3 & 4 to audit this class as the last time it was handed down was 5 years ago in 2012.

** Plus Taxes.

Please note your deposit is non-refundable/non-transferable.

Advanced registration is required. Please contact Modern Mystery School Administration to place your deposit.


PHONE: 416-625-3470

TOLL-FREE: 1 (877) 275-1383 (in North America)

Booking Cut-off date: August 4th, 2017

No more reservations will be taken after this date.