For People who have everything else, sale and specialty healings

1. Spirit Infusion, Ion Cleanse, Reiki – $1OO – 1.5 hr

2. Crystal Reading, Ion Cleanse, Massage – $15O – l.5 hr

3. Purpose of Life, RA Protection Healing, Laying of Hands – $150 – 1.5 hr

4. ISIS Healing, Emotional Cord Cutting, Ion Cleanse – $150 – 1.5 hr

5. Enochian Healing, Ion cleanse- $175 – 2 hr

6. Kabbalistic Healing, Crystal Reading- $175 – 2 hr

7. Life Activation, Massage, RA Protection Healing- $2OO – 2 hr

8. Crystal Reading, Ion Cleanse, RA Protection Healing- $150 – 1.5 hr

9. Purpose of Life Reading, Tuneup or Life Activation, Reiki – $15O – 1.5 hr

1O. Crystal Healing, Emotional Cord Cutting, Ensofic Ray – $ I5O – 1.5 hr

Book your healing now, please contact: Edith Koleszar at 4l6-575-5143  or e-mail:

Unique jewellery, clothing, sage and incense, candles, crystal wands, crystal balls, swords, RMMS coffee mugs, fairy figurines, meditation and music CD’s, gift certificates and more.

Practitioners: Charity Chan, Edith Koleszar, Kathrun Shaw, Lotus Chan, Rose Lortie, Vicki Anderson