DATE: November 9th, 2022 START TIME: 7 p.m. LOCATION:Toronto, ON REQUIRED LEVEL OF INITIATION: Certified Junior Guide who has already had Isis Healing Handed down. INVESTMENT :** SEATING IS LIMITED! Registrations taken on a first-come, first-serve basis. By Booking...
In order to accomplish this infusion and activation, this session opens up the inner gates of the soul, awakening memory of one’s divine nature. As these gates open, awareness and perception increase and each person receives some degree of transformation. Sacred...
Date: September 28th, 2022 Start time: 7:30pm End time: 9:00pm Rhythm and drumming have been a part of the human expression since the beginning of time. Everything has a rhythm and a sense of timing, from the rotation of the planets to the cycles of earth, to...
An invitation to All Adept Initiates: Join us to celebrate the Sabat of Mabon and the Fall Equinox! At the Fall Equinox, the day and night are of equal length, ushering in the next quarter of the Wheel of the Year where the Sun’s light diminishes in strength and...
Have you ever wanted to connect in with realms you’ve only visited in your dreams? Are you craving that deeper connection to spirit? Are you ready to receive the wisdom of your Higher Self? All the wisdom you need to live a life of purpose can be found within you and...
DATE: Saturday, September 17th We know that the last few years have brought their challenges to everyone in various ways. While we as initiates do have tools and knowledge that may have helped us navigate the goings on in the world, we were in no way unscathed by...