Empower Thyself Initiation – T.O.

Empower Thyself Initiation – T.O.

  Are you seeking true spirituality and connection to the divine? Are you sensitive to subtle energies and want to have more protection? Are you curious about the mysteries of the universe? Do you desire to have more empowerment? Who are you as a divine being?...
Stress Rescue Retreat – T.O.

Stress Rescue Retreat – T.O.

Stress Rescue Retreat is an afternoon that will empower you to gain insight on different areas of your life that may be creating stress and how to develop new strategies to manage and to conquer it. In a busy world today with always something to do, somewhere to go,...
Sacred Geometry 1 – T.O.

Sacred Geometry 1 – T.O.

Sacred Geometry is a wonderful series of teachings and tools that have been with us for thousands of years! From the mandalas of the eastern world, to the geometries of the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah to the Pythagorean Theorem we study in high school, the...
Mummy Healing – T.O.

Mummy Healing – T.O.

The Ancient Egyptians are famous for their extensive and elaborate practices and Ritual Rites surrounding Death.  Much was put into this process so that the Soul was liberated and truly able to live out its purpose in the next life.  Entire sacred sites were built to...
12 Races of the Earth – UK

12 Races of the Earth – UK

DATE:  27th March 2020 START TIME: 6pm END TIME: 9pm  The Mystery School tradition has always acknowledged and worked with the 11 races of magical beings that share this planet with humans. These beings, known as the Elves, Fairies, Mer, Gypsies and many others, once...