Astral Travel – T.O.

Astral Travel – T.O.

Astral Travel is defined as the art or science of travelling outside of the body to obtain information. Whether you think that you’ve astral traveled before, or are simply ready to explore the universe and all that lies within it, the ability to consciously travel and...
Sacred Geometry 1 – T.O.

Sacred Geometry 1 – T.O.

Sacred Geometry is a wonderful series of teachings and tools that have been with us for thousands of years! From the mandalas of the eastern world, to the geometries of the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah to the Pythagorean Theorem we study in high school, the...
Empower Thyself Program and Initiation – T.O.

Empower Thyself Program and Initiation – T.O.

There is much more beneath the surface of who you are…. You are an unwritten book, a mystery yet to be solved, a masterpiece waiting to be created. There is more to you than the world knows. Are you ready to reveal it? Empower Thyself – ancient spiritual tradition of...
Ensofic Reiki Group Healing – T.O.

Ensofic Reiki Group Healing – T.O.

Experience the power of Ensofic Reiki Group Healing! Ensofic Reiki is the purest and most powerful ray of reiki energy that comes to us from Ensof (infinite and almighty being we refer to as God). It is the 1st ray of creation, making it a powerful healing modality...
Phurba Class (Eve) – T.O.

Phurba Class (Eve) – T.O.

In this class, Ipsissimus Hideto Nakagome, a Tibetan Buddhist Monk will be doing an in depth teaching on the Phurba, a sacred tool used by Ritual Masters. He will also provide a special blessing on each phurba to enhance it.   DATE: May 14th, 2018 START TIME: 7...
How to be a Human Angel – T.O.

How to be a Human Angel – T.O.

How does one live a life in alignment with the light? How does one become a clear vessel for Higher Service? Is it possible to be like an angel in this world? How to be a Human Angel provides specialized Esoteric Teachings by Modern Mystery School Founder Gudni...