Sacred Geometry 1 – T.O.

Sacred Geometry 1 – T.O.

Sacred Geometry is a wonderful series of teachings and tools that have been with us for thousands of years! From the mandalas of the eastern world, to the geometries of the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah to the Pythagorean Theorem we study in high school, the...
Journeys of the Spirit – T.O.

Journeys of the Spirit – T.O.

Have you ever wanted to connect in with realms you’ve only visited in your dreams? Are you craving that deeper connection to spirit? Are you ready to receive the wisdom of your Higher Self? All the wisdom you need to live a life of purpose can be found within you and...
Vision Board Creation – T.O.

Vision Board Creation – T.O.

Tap into the Universal Principles of Manifestation And wield these energies to accomplish your goals and dreams!  When we harness this energy we can create anything that we wish. We even have the ability to re-create ourselves!!!   In this class you will gain: A...
Winter Solstice Ceremony – T.O.

Winter Solstice Ceremony – T.O.

The Wheel of the Year is forever turning, marking cycles and changes with each passing day and season. At the time of the Winter Solstice, we gather to witness the rebirth of the Sun as the days once again begin to grow longer, bringing hope and renewal to our hearts....
Samhain Ceremony – T.O.

Samhain Ceremony – T.O.

Halloween is the modern-day name by which the sacred day of Samhain is known. In our day and age, children dress up as scary beings of “imagination” and trot up and down the neighbourhood in search of treats and tricks. While our more modern culture and method of...
Full Moon Ceremony – T.O.

Full Moon Ceremony – T.O.

The Moon is the light that shines within the darkness of night and it is through her reflection that we come to know that which is hidden within us ??? those aspects of self which are shrouded in darkness. Through the light of the Pisces Moon, we take the time to...