DATE:November 7-11, 2022 START TIME: 10 a.m. LOCATION: Toronto, ON Become the true healer you know you are! Changing the world starts one person at a time, if you had the chance to change someone’s life, would you? Learn: how to activate and awaken other’s life...
DATE: November 7th & 8th, 2022 START TIME: 10:00 a.m. Alchemy Level 1: Alchemy of Life (Day 1: November 7th) The ancient art and science of Alchemy has been a long-held Mystery School secret. It is an immense power that has the ability to create huge...
DATE: May 10th, 2020 START TIME: 10 a.m. LOCATION: Toronto, ON Become a practitioner of the Archangel Michael Interstellar Light Tube healing modality! In this class you are handed down the Activation of the Archangel Michael Inner Stellar Light Tube. This modality...
DATE: November 9, 2022 START TIME: 10:00 a.m. Step up your ability to serve others and learn the Core Will Infusion! In Sacred Geometry VI, you will receive the handing down to perform this modality, which empowers your clients by: Cleaning and clearing the etheric...
DATE: September 10th, 2022 START TIME: 10 a.m. END TIME: 2:30 p.m. Bringing Balance into your life through the Chakra System Going deeper into the 7 main Chakras to understand how they function and support our well being. Join us as we: Delve deeper into each of...