Astral Travel- Expand your Consciousness Date: Saturday Sept, 14 Start time: 4:00 pm End time: 8:00 pm I always had this feeling that I was much larger than my body. I was sensitive to things beyond me & could feel things beyond my grasp. I knew there had to be...
Sacred Geometry- Creating Sacred Space Date: September 14th, 2019 Start time: 11am End time: 3pm For those who FEEL. To all of you who are sensitive to energy. To spaces. To the good vibes & the negative ones. It is time to build your sacred space &...
Date: Sunday Oct 13th 2019 Start Time: 10:00am End Time: 3:00pm Reserved for Modern Mystery School initiates only, Sacred Geometry 4 reveals the secrets to sacred spaces and empowers you to be able to create them. Through the teachings of the Sacred Geometries we...
Date: Saturday Oct 12th 2019 Start Time: 10:00am End Time: 4:00pm Sacred Geometry 3 focuses on healing and balancing the energies within the 7 layers of the aura and the sacredness of the human body; a practice that you can do for yourself as well as a service for...
Marketing Basics for Professional Lightworkers provides the foundational understandings of how to take the healings, services and tools of empowerment that this lineage provides out into the world. This class is geared for those who wish to become professional...
DATE: November 17th, 2019 TIME: 10:00 am LOCATION: Toronto REQUIRED LEVEL OF INITIATION: Ritual Master PRE-REQUISITE: Enochian Training Level 1 INVESTMENT : First 15 to book = $450 USD* / $610 CAD* All spots reserved at this rate! 16 to 30 = $500 USD* / $675 CAD* All...