12 Races of Earth – T.O.

12 Races of Earth – T.O.

The Mystery School tradition has always acknowledged and worked with the 11 other races of magickal beings that share this planet with humans. These beings, known as the Elves, Fairies, Mer, Gypsies and many others, once lived in harmony with humans until it was...
Journeys of the Spirit – T.O.

Journeys of the Spirit – T.O.

Have you ever wanted to connect in with realms you’ve only visited in your dreams? Are you craving that deeper connection to spirit? Are you ready to receive the wisdom of your Higher Self? All the wisdom you need to live a life of purpose can be found within you and...
Astral Travel – T.O.

Astral Travel – T.O.

Astral Travel is defined as the art or science of travelling outside of the body to obtain information. Whether you think that you’ve astral traveled before, or are simply ready to explore the universe and all that lies within it, the ability to consciously travel and...
Beltane Ceremony – T.O.

Beltane Ceremony – T.O.

Beltane is one of the most major Sabbats (or solar celebrations) of the Wiccan Wheel of the Year. Sitting halfway between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, Beltane marks the power of the Spring at its greatest heights. The abundance of the earth begins to show –...
New Beginnings Spell Night – T.O.

New Beginnings Spell Night – T.O.

Looking to grow or take on a new aspect of life? Are you wanting a new career? A new relationship? Or maybe even a family? Join the Modern Mystery School Toronto Wicca Community for a magickal spell evening as we create a spell for Fertility together! Although the...
Manifesting Your Future – T.O.

Manifesting Your Future – T.O.

Cancelled due to bad weather! This class is rescheduled for Monday April 16th @7:00pm! Tap into the Universal Principles of Manifestation   And wield these energies to accomplish your goals and dreams by creating a vision board!  When we harness this energy we can...