Full Moon Ceremony – T.O.

Full Moon Ceremony – T.O.

The Capricorn Full Moon lights up the sky and it is time for us to take a simpler perspective on life! As we are in the midst of Summer; the joy, excitement and drama can stir things up and make clarity difficult to achieve. At the time of this beautiful Capricorn...
Summer Solstice Ceremony – T.O.

Summer Solstice Ceremony – T.O.

At the Summer Solstice, the Sun shines long and bright in the sky bringing warmth, joy and excitement for the summer to come! Traditionally called Litha, the Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year and on this day we pay our respects to the Sun, the giver of...
Full Moon Ceremony – T.O.

Full Moon Ceremony – T.O.

In the Wiccan tradition, we follow and honour the cycles of Mother Earth as we too go through our own inner cycles with her. At the height of the Scorpio Full Moon, we take the time for reflection and to muse on the cycles present in our lives. From the greater cycle...
Spring Equinox Ceremony – T.O.

Spring Equinox Ceremony – T.O.

The Wheel of the Year has once again made its way through the power of Winter and we emerge once again into the joyful season of growth ??? Spring! The Spring Equinox marks the day where the Light surges back to power and we witness the balance of day and night. From...
Full Moon Ceremony – T.O.

Full Moon Ceremony – T.O.

As we begin to emerge from the depths of winter, the light of the Virgo Full Moon shines upon us. This grounding, discerning and nourishing energy is here to get our heads and hearts in alignment and help us find the answers we need to the mysteries that are at work...
12 Races of Earth – T.O.

12 Races of Earth – T.O.

DATE: May 12th TIME: 11 a.m. The Mystery School tradition has always acknowledged and worked with the 11 races of magickal beings that share this planet with humans. These beings, known as the Elves, Fairies, Mer, Gypsies and many others, once lived in harmony with...